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High-Resolution Atmospheric Water Vapor Fields by Spaceborne Geodetic Sensing, Tomographic Fusion, and Atmospheric Modeling

Subject Area Geodesy, Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, Geoinformatics, Cartography
Term from 2017 to 2022
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 321886779
Final Report Year 2022

Final Report Abstract

Atmospheric water vapor plays an important role in Earth’s water and energy cycle. It is a very active atmospheric constituent involved in various weather processes, although it only occupies up to 4% in volume. Moreover, water vapor is the dominant greenhouse gas in Earth’s atmosphere which can intensify global warming. However, the accurate quantification of atmospheric water vapor remains a challenge due to it high spatiotemporal variability. In this project, we proposed an interdisciplinary data fusion approach for high-resolution atmospheric water vapor fields by integrating spaceborne geodetic sensing (GNSS and InSAR), tomographic fusion, and atmospheric modelling. Feasibility of this approach has been evaluated in several peer-reviewed publications). Results show that this approach enhanced the construction of dynamic atmospheric models in different seasons for the transnational Upper Rhine Graben region. In addition, an associated comprehensive multidisciplinary high-resolution atmospheric water vapor dataset is provided to the public, in which geodetic, photogrammetric, atmospheric modeling and data fusion techniques were used to obtain maps of water vapor. This multi-technology water vapor dataset is unique, and it will be useful for many kinds of studies that require high-resolution information on atmospheric water vapor, such as retrospective study of weather, evaluation of weather model, and ML for weather forecast. The IMK group (WP100) carried out atmospheric simulations and assimilated water vapor products of the project partners. Improved simulations of water vapor and precipitation are obtained in this way for all seasons. The simultaneous assimilation of different water vapor information and temperature proved to be an important factor in decisively influencing the complex interaction of variables in atmospheric models. The GIK group (WP200) obtained the GNSS IWV estimates and compared them to the WRF product developed within the project, in-situ radiosonde, and atmospheric reanalysis products. Results show that the IWV estimates are in excellent agreements with discrepancies of a few kg m-2. Moreover, we found that power-low noise is more suitable for the daily ERA5-GNSS IWV series in Europe 1994−2019 than the commonly used AR(1). This finding is important for the homogenization of the IWV time series and accurate estimation of their trends, which can be conducive to a better understanding of climate change. The IPF group (WP300) processed big stacks of Sentinel-1 data (>170scenes) to obtain the input for the tomography as well as the assimilation into the WRF model. Improvements of the state-of-the-art methods are implemented to compute absolute IWV values from the interferometric data. To resolve the rank deficiency the open-source weather model ERA5 is used to provide easy-access methods for other users. The results show that the IWV estimates are in good agreement with the GNSS results used as validation data. The ETH-IGP group (WP400) used GNSS ZTDs and InSAR ddSTDs, which are outputs of WP200 and WP300, to construct GNSS and GNSS/InSAR 2D fields of ZTDs and 3D fields of refractivities. In this project, we utilized collocation method to provide a new combination workframe for GNSS and InSAR tropospheric observations. In addition, we validated our collocated observations with GNSS processed ones and WRF based observations. In addition, we also validated, the GNSS/InSAR combinet solutions with GNSS-only and InSAR only. We found a few mm differences in terms of bias and standard deviation.



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