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GRK 2336:  Resolution of inflammation – Mediators, signaling and therapeutic options

Subject Area Medicine
Term since 2017
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Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 321115009
The goal of the research training group (RTG) is to train PhD students in the field of resolution of inflammation (ROI). Basic mechanisms and dysregulated pathways of ROI are characterized by complex interactions between immune cells and biochemically diverse mediators. The resolution phase of inflammation involves the elimination of inflammatory cells and their mediators from sites of infection and injury to restore tissue homeostasis. This research topic is now addressed in a structured training program that has been combined with an ambitious, cutting edge scientific research programme, that is forward-looking in terms of both basic science and biomedicine. It is hoped that the program will attract talented, next generation scientists towards this emerging field of translational science and to firmly establish the subject of ROI as a structure-lending component at the faculty of medicine. The overarching hypothesis of the research linked to the RTG is based on evidence that active and inducible processes are involved in ROI. Within the RTG, research projects study the cells and mediators involved in resolution-associated processes as well as the signaling cascades and target structures involved - with the aim of identifying alterations linked to dysregulated ROI. PhD students will be recruited to twelve research groups from the Faculties of Medicine (FB 16) and Biochemistry, Chemistry and Pharmacy (FB 14) at the Goethe-University Frankfurt and the Georg-Speyer-Haus (GSH). Synergy and added value between the individual research projects are guaranteed by the focus on 1) signals derived from dying cells, 2) polarization of immune cells, and 3) restoration of barrier function. Projects make use of primary human material, preclinically relevant animal models and cellular systems combined with biochemical, molecular biology, pharmacological and systems biology approaches.The educational program of the RTG provides the necessary theoretical and methodological training to ensure an efficient, timely, and successful completion of each PhD thesis. This will be backed up by an individualized supervision and coaching program, as well as topic-related seminars, practical courses, and transferable skill workshops. It is our intention to help students gain an individual scientific character/personality and promote early independence. The latter aspects will be promoted by obligatory involvement in the organization of project management meetings, teamwork projects, research data management and the acceptance of personal organizational responsibilities e.g., the invitation and accompaniment of guest speakers, as well as planning and chairing session at our summer schools.
DFG Programme Research Training Groups
Spokesperson Professor Dr. Andreas Weigert, since 11/2023

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