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Tailoring of Electrostriction Effects for Nanocomposite Locomotion Dynamics

Subject Area Statistical Physics, Nonlinear Dynamics, Complex Systems, Soft and Fluid Matter, Biological Physics
Synthesis and Properties of Functional Materials
Term from 2016 to 2020
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 321045143
A typical electro-stimulus response of a nanocomposites elastomer containing polarizable inclusions is the Maxwell-stress related contraction. This contraction is enhanced for high dielectric constant inclusions. Recent theoretical advances have shown that the morphology of the particle distribution is another factor which regulates the nanocomposite actuation. For some regular lattice distributions the nanocomposite contraction is reversed to an elongation along the applied field. The questions whether this transition is robust for all lattice orientations and permanent dipoles of the inclusions, and how the particle relocation during the elastomer deformation affects the nanocomposite response are still open. Less is known about the dynamical response of the nanocomposite to periodic fields. The proposed project will address all these questions together with other important aspects of the electroactuation response of the nanocomposite. An integrated theoretical and simulation approach will be used for the fundamental understanding of the coupling between the electrostriction effect, dipole-dipole correlations, morphology of the particle distribution, and the local field distribution in the nanocomposite. The main objective is to achieve a locomotion performance of the nanocomposite under periodic fields. This goal can be realized in metastructure nanocomposites containing at least two different particle distributions separated by an elastomer layer. An optimization of the positional orientation of the distributions, the dipole moment of trapped interface charges at the inclusion-elastomer boundary, the size and packing fraction of inclusions will be carried to generate travelling wave or twisting and bending mode deformation oscillations, the important ingredients for a directed movement of the nanocomposite.
DFG Programme Research Grants

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