Max Kommerell (1902-1944) - The Letters. An Annotated Edition

Applicant Professor Dr. Ulrich Raulff, since 7/2019
Subject Area German Literary and Cultural Studies (Modern German Literature)
Term from 2017 to 2019
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 320123553

Project Description

The project aims at the complete indexing of the correspondence of Max Kommerell. On this basis, a selection of his letters will be edited and commented within the funding period. This edition will emerge from a systematic confrontation with research questions, but will also induce new such questions. Apart from the reception in humanistic disciplines the selection will consider broader interests like in the "Georgekreis". It is also planned to publish all letters online on the edition platform of the German Literature Archive. So letters and comments can be supplamented after the funding period. The hybrid edition will serve two purposes: the print edition will reach an interested broad audience, the electronic edition with its concentrated form with modern search and listing mechanisms will reach a more academic, historically interested circle. With the electronic version there will be additional material, like facsimilies of the letters and photographs.The correspondence is a basic feature for research on Kommerells life and works and is his unwritten intellectual biography. The edition will produce results in different research areas and disciplines: research on the "Georgekreis", but also on the intellectual history of the early 20th century, German history of ideas, the general cultural and political history. In the synopsis of this edition the heuristic division is nulled, because Kommerell and his correspondence partners act in all of these circles and contexts.
DFG Programme Research Grants
Co-Investigator Professor Dr. Roland S. Kamzelak (†)
Ehemalige Antragstellerin Professorin Dr. Sandra Richter, from 6/2019 until 7/2019