Anpassungsprozesse des Knochens auf mechanische Belastung in einem Mausmodell für osteolytische Knochenveränderungen beim Multiplen Myelom

Antragstellerin Professorin Dr. Franziska Jundt
Fachliche Zuordnung Hämatologie, Onkologie
Förderung Förderung von 2016 bis 2021
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 319916251


Erstellungsjahr 2021

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

Multiple myeloma is a malignant plasma cell disorder, in which tumor cells spread and accumulate in the bone marrow. Myeloma cells inhibit osteoblast function and induce osteoclast activity, subsequently inducing disseminated (osteoporosis) and localized (osteolytic lesions) bone disease. In this respect multiple myeloma can serve as a blueprint for other osteotropic tumors such as breast and prostate cancer. Among the patients diagnosed with multiple myeloma, 80% are seen late in the development of myeloma bone disease with symptoms of severe pain and fractures. Morbidity and mortality are high and quality of life is significantly affected by MM bone disease. To date antiresorptive pharmacological treatment of myeloma bone disease with bisphosphonates or the receptor activator of NF-kB ligand antibody denosumab, has not succeeded in regenerating bone tissue even in the absence of signs of active disease. While anabolic treatment of bone disease in malignancies is still a matter of discussion, a promising non-pharmacological approach to prevent or rescue osteopenia is the use of well-controlled physical stimuli. Despite the increased fracture risk in myeloma patients, physical exercise such as aerobic and strength training has been shown to be safe in this patient population. In this study we demonstrated in the MOPC315.BM.Luc model for myeloma bone disease that physical stimuli in the form of mechanical loading have a promising bone-sparing outcome. Physical stimuli even mitigated tumor cell growth and dissemination. High-throughput transcriptome profiling of cortical osteocytes in the myeloma model revealed that tumor establishment in the bone microenvironment caused substantial alterations of gene regulation as did physical stimulation. We further identified genes that were downregulated in cortical osteocytes by myeloma invasion and were counterregulated by loading. We found that extracellular matrix-related genes were significantly downregulated and this gene set was rescued or stimulated by mechanical loading. Cortical osteocytes and myeloma cells communicate and thereby generate a tumor supportive microenvironment. Part of this mutual interaction is the expression and secretion of common ECM- related factors from both cell types. In a collaboration with Regina Ebert (University of Würzburg) we identified ECM and adhesion-related genes which are differentially expressed in MM cells based on their adhesion strength to bone precursor cells such as mesenchymal stem cells. We identified a partial overlap between the in vivo and in vitro gene sets representing a convincing interactive gene network in which candidates belong to three clusters of (1) skeletal development, (2) lipid transport and (3) extracellular matrix organization. In addition, we found that low expression of lead candidates from this network like the low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 is associated with worse myeloma patient survival using large cohorts of clinically derived microarray data. In a follow-up study we will molecularly dissect the networks behind mechanotransduction and tumor homing and spread, searching for effective types of mechanical loading and innovative druggable targets that address the bone anabolic and anti-tumor effects. This will allow for identifying targets in models of mechanical loading that can be addressed to reconstitute healthy bone tissue and at the same time impart antitumor effects in the microenvironment.

Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)

DFG-Verfahren Sachbeihilfen
Internationaler Bezug Kanada
Kooperationspartnerin Professorin Bettina Willie, Ph.D.