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Development, benchmarking and application of improved quantum-classical trajectory surface-hopping methods for the ab initio simulation of photoinduced hydrogen-atom transfer reactions and the computation of time-resolved spectroscopic signals

Subject Area Theoretical Chemistry: Electronic Structure, Dynamics, Simulation
Term from 2016 to 2023
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 319571271
Final Report Year 2023

Final Report Abstract

In the first funding period of this project, a pragmatic quasi-classical trajectory surfacehopping algorithm based on the Belyaev-Lebedev formula for the nonadiabatic transition probability was developed and implemented with the ADC(2) ab initio electronic-structure method. In the first project of second funding period, the capabilities of this efficient dynamics simulation method were exploited to develop insight into the microscopic reaction mechanisms of photocatalytic water splitting with graphitic carbon nitrides, which are polymeric organic photocatalytic materials of high current interest in solar energy conversion research. The time scales and branching ratios of the electron and proton transfer reactions involved in the oxidation of water and the evolution of hydrogen were explored in hydrogenbonded complexes of heptazine, the building block of polymeric carbon nitrides, with protic substrate molecules, such as water or phenol. In the second project, the computational efficiency of the Belyaev-Lebedev surface-hopping algorithm was exploited for the simulation of femtosecond time-resolved nonlinear spectra in the so-called doorway-window approximation. The formalism and the computer codes were developed for transient absorption pump-probe spectroscopy and for electronic two-dimensional spectroscopy and were applied for the ab initio calculation of the corresponding time- and frequency-resolved signals for the pyrazine molecule. These are the first ab initio calculations of femtosecond time-resolved optical spectra with quasi-classical trajectories in which the duration and spectral shapes of the laser pulses are consistently and non-empirically taken into account.



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