Brownian Particles in Non-equilibrium Solvents: Experiment and Theory
Subject Area
Statistical Physics, Nonlinear Dynamics, Complex Systems, Soft and Fluid Matter, Biological Physics
from 2016 to 2021
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 319193106
The random walker has been an important and reliable partner for experimental and theoretical researchers over many years, and has led to a wealth of insight into fundamental and applied sciences regarding statistical physics in or out of equilibrium. Colloidal particles are the almost perfect experimental realization of such walkers, as their relaxation times are many orders of magnitude larger than those of the surrounding solvents. Thus, even when colloidal particles are strongly driven (e.g. self-propelled or by external forces), all known experiments agree with a theoretical description where the surrounding bath is assumed in equilibrium. We propose to investigate the behavior of colloidal probe particles in non-equilibrium baths, realized by viscoelastic solvents. Viscoelastic solvents may display large relaxation times and can easily be driven away from equilibrium by nowadays experimental techniques, so that a largely unexplored regime can be entered. Combining experimental and theoretical work, we aim to identify universal features of the dynamics of Brownian particles in non-equilibrium baths, thereby seeking extension of the current understanding of non-equilibrium thermodynamics at mesoscopic length-scales. We anticipate this research to yield important insights for practical applications on one side, as viscoelastic fluids (such as biological fluids or polymers) are very common in nature and industry. On the other hand, we expect the "random walker in a non-equilibrium background" to potentially give fundamental insight into non-equilibrium systems where macroscopically many degrees of freedom are out of equilibrium.
DFG Programme
Research Grants