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Net Gain Dynamics in Actively Driven Organic Microdevices

Applicant Dr. Hartmut Fröb
Subject Area Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
Optics, Quantum Optics and Physics of Atoms, Molecules and Plasmas
Term from 2016 to 2024
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 319139519
Final Report Year 2021

Final Report Abstract

This project focused on a detailed investigation of net gain dynamics in various organic materialbased neat films and microresonator systems. The combination of vertical organic microcavity lasers, VCSELs, with their lateral counterparts, DFBs, has led to a substantial modification of mode dispersion of the device. We observed unusual variation of lasing threshold values in the operational regime when lateral and longitudinal modes spectrally overlap and become strongly hybridized. We produced a solid-state organic microcavity laser based on a composite gain material, which consisted of PVP as the polymer matrix hosting, diluted gold nanoparticles, and PM567 organic dye as an optically active component. Despite the inherent absorption of gold nanoparticles at the emission wavelength of organic dye, we reached a lasing regime due to the local-fieldcorrected net gain characteristics of the composite cavity layer material. We have shown that vacuum deposition of CsPbBr3 perovskites yields superior ASE characteristics compared to their solution-processed counterparts. The introduction of positive optical feedback in these systems led to a further threshold reduction and switch from the ASE to a truly lasing regime. Finally, we have produced and investigated actively driven OLED/microcavity systems, which could be pumped optically or electrically, or both ways simultaneously. Our measurement results imply that simultaneous optical pumping can contribute to more efficient electrical pumping of the OLED-MC device, which is a promising result for future electrically driven organic solid-state lasers.



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