Project Details
Diagnosis and Metrics in Climate Models ((17) S01)
Subject Area
Atmospheric Science
since 2016
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 274762653
The project continues to assess the impact of model developments proposed by various project areas and the CRC as a whole on the quality of two climate models used by the German and European climate research community, namely ICON and IFS-FESOM. Two elements will be central in it: the development of new diagnostics and metrics (e.g. spectral analysis tools on unstructured meshes and water mass transformation diagnostics) and the subsequent analysis of model simulations produced within the CRC or in projects external to the CRC (e.g. CMIP, nextGEMS and DestinE).
DFG Programme
Subproject of
TRR 181:
Energy transfers in Atmosphere and Ocean
Applicant Institution
Universität Hamburg
Project Heads
Professor Dr. Hans Burchard; Professorin Dr. Veronika Eyring; Professor Dr. Thomas Jung; Martin Losch, Ph.D., since 7/2024; Professor Dr. Jens Rademacher, since 7/2024; Professor Dr. Bjorn B. Stevens, since 7/2024; Professorin Nedjeljka Zagar, Ph.D., until 6/2024