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Kidney Keratins, endogenous cytoprotective factors?

Subject Area Nephrology
Term from 2016 to 2022
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 318056912

Final Report Abstract

Keratins (K) are a major component of the cell cytoskeleton of epithelial cells, providing for their mechanical integrity. Keratins also have protective functions in a variety of stress situations and diseases, best described for skin and the gastrointestinal tract. Tubular cells (TEC) are the most abundant kidney epithelial cells. During virtually all kidney diseases TEC are exposed to a number of stress stimuli. We showed that the major renal keratins are highly up-regulated in different animal models and patients with kidney diseases and could thereby serve as novel markers (i.e. diagnostic test) of TEC stress. We could substantiate these findings in different application scenarios. In ongoing work we also showed the regulation of previously unrecognized keratins in the kidneys, and showed the potential of a specific keratin, K18, and its fragments, as a potential diagnostic (serum or urinary) marker of kidney diseases in patients. Besides, the application helped us to provide scientific contribution and insights into chronic kidney diseases and renal fibrosis, specific kidney diseases and development of novel models, tissue diseases biomarker and non-invasive in vivo imaging, AI and deep learning augmented pathology diagnostics and a number of other studies. The project is in part followed in the recently established Clinical Research Unit 5011. Overall, our data suggest that keratins might be useful biomarkers of kidney tissue injury.



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