The continuation of the edition of the Livonian, Estonian an Curonian Book of Charters", of which 15 volumes were published in two sections until 1914, aims at publishing four more volumes, thereby closing the gap between the years 1472 to 1494, which was caused by various disruptions in the political and scientific order of Europe in the 20th century. The basic editorial principle continues to be that of territorial pertinence, according to which all charters and correspondence of this time related to the territory of medieval Livonia should be included in the edition. Thus, the collection constitutes a product of basic research. In order to maintain the unity of the entire edition and its usability as a whole, the conception and layout of the new volumes adhere to the elaborated rules which were developed around 1870 following the example of the "Deutsche Reichstagsakten" and the "Hanserezesse" and which were applied to the edition of "Livonian, Estonian an Curonian Book of Charters" starting with volume 7 of the first section. Nevertheless, recent developments in editorial science are taken into consideration. The ready for publication volume 13 of the first section is of considerable interest not least because it includes material concerning the escalating hegemonic conflict in Livonia in the 1470ies, which is illuminated by a series of completely new and instructive texts.
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