Opinion Stream Classification with Ensembles and Active leaRners - OSCAR
Final Report Abstract
Many people use social media to post opinions on almost any subject - events, products, topics. Institutions use these opinions to derive models. As opin- ions accumulate, though, changes occur and invalidate the models. Changes concern the general sentiment towards a subject and towards specific facets of this subject, as well as the words used to express sentiment. In OSCAR, we studied what people speak about, when they express opinions: we identified “words” that have a history and an impact, both of which are also expressed in words; we also identified “entities” behind the words; these are the objects about which people speak, e.g. products, ailments, treatments, as well as the subjects, namely the people themselves, e.g. as reviewers of products, as users of services, as patients in a self-help forum. We developed algorithms that monitor how the semantics of the words and the properties of the entities change over time. We tested our algorithms on streams of texts in social fora, on streams of opinions on products and on inter- actions of patients with eHealth platforms and mHealth apps. We found that our algorithms have great potential in fairness-aware machine learning and in the digital support of patient empowerment for patients with chronical diseases.
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Vasileios Iosifidis, Annina Oelschlager, and Eirini Ntoutsi
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Damianos P Melidis, Myra Spiliopoulou, and Eirini Ntoutsi
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Christian Beyer, Uli Niemann, Vishnu Unnikrishnan, Eirini Ntoutsi, and Myra Spiliopoulou
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Vishnu Unnikrishnan, Christian Beyer, Pawel Matuszyk, Uli Niemann, Rüdiger Pryss, Winfried Schlee, Eirini Ntoutsi, and Myra Spiliopoulou
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Christian Beyer, Vishnu Unnikrishnan, Uli Niemann, Pawel Matuszyk, Eirini Ntoutsi, and Myra Spiliopoulou
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Vasileios Iosifidis and Eirini Ntoutsi