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High Resolution binocular MIMO Radars at Millimeter Wave Frequencies (binoMIMO)

Subject Area Electronic Semiconductors, Components and Circuits, Integrated Systems, Sensor Technology, Theoretical Electrical Engineering
Term from 2016 to 2024
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 317632307
In the future, radar sensors for millimeter wave frequencies will be used in a wide variety of applications such as automotive, automation technology, safety engineering, logistics, quality control or biomedical applications. Thanks to progress in silicon-germanium technology, compact, energy-efficient and cost-effective radar sensors can be implemented at frequencies in the millimeter wave range above 100 GHz. Due to the high operating frequencies, large system bandwidths and at the same time very large apertures in multiples of the wavelength can be realized with compact physical dimensions of the radar sensor. However, there are major problems with the distribution of the high-frequency signal, the non-idealities due to the high integration level and the efficient calibration of these imaging systems.In the project "High-resolution binocular MIMO millimeter wave radars", a novel MIMO radar concept was combined with model-based signal processing methods for the first time. The expertise of the University of Ulm in the field of millimeter wave radar technology and the expertise of the TU Ilmenau in the field of high-resolution parameter estimation was combined for this purpose. A novel MIMO radar system consisting of two coupled MIMO radars operating at approximately 160 GHz was built, which allows high-resolution binocular or quasi-stereoscopic observation of distributed objects at a close range. The radar operating with the FMCW principle has been analyzed with respect to its resolution and noise properties. Methods of model-based signal processing were used to compensate for hardware impairments, such that the resolution and robustness of the radar has been enhanced.This continuative research proposal deals with the reduction of the hardware complexity of the binocular radar by a non-coherent distribution of the high-frequency signal. These adaptations in the hardware shall be considered in the parameter estimator. Furthermore, a model of the radar target (object model) is to be developed and integrated into the estimator. This offers more possibilities for the classification of objects, as well as the possibility to determine position and orientation of the objects. Due to the large array aperture, spherical wave fronts should also be considered in the parameter estimator. In order to consider an array model for the flexible binocular arrangement within the parameter estimator, efficient calibration procedures have to be developed, too.The cooperation between the University of Ulm and the TU Ilmenau guarantees the further development of the binocular radar system as well as its theoretical and experimental verification.
DFG Programme Research Grants

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