All-day schools cooperate with varied extracurricular actors to realize their extracurricular activities. And the discourses of education and social pedagogics expresses the hope of transforming learning culture and school development thru these activities. But there are barely no empirical knowledge about and descriptions of these extracurricular activities beyond the programming and normative level.The project investigates practice of extracurricular activities at all-day schools by realizing a practice-theoretical and focussed ethnography of pedagogical orders of these activities at four selected schools. We collect data about the range of activities and compile detailed case-vignettes of selected activities with a focus on the formation of orders thru spatiotemporal structures, pedagogical relations and the dealing with things of learning. Empirically, this thesis is a systematic contrasting of data with surveys of two previous studies.Goal of the project is to describe the specific pedagogical orders between the logics of school pedagogic and social pedagogic. Due to this the normative definition of full-time education can be confronted with an empirically based knowledge to stimulate a theory of full-time education.
DFG Programme
Research Grants