Knowledge-Based Beliefs about Inquiry Methods: Modell Based Definition, Assessment and Investigation on Correlations to Skills in the Field of Scientific Inquiry

Applicant Professor Dr. Andreas Nehring
Subject Area General and Domain-Specific Teaching and Learning
Term from 2016 to 2017
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 315305592

Project Description

As previous research, in the competence area of scientific inquiry, focussed to a large extend either on the parts scientific methods or nature of science, the purpose of the present research project consists in describing, assessing and investigating on the structure and the correlations between knowledge based beliefs about the characteristics of inquiry methods. The theoretical framework used in this study consists of an already published competence model for scientific methods, that has been developed in two DFG-projects. As the model will be applied to the parts scientific methods and nature of science both, a broader description of the competence area will be made possible. Moreover, the current project benefits from the expertise, publications and preliminary work of the petitioner. In order to implement this 12 month project, we apply for financial resources for one graduate assistant (twelve months), one undergraduate assistant (three months) as well as for traveling resources for data collections in schools and for conferences. The total financial means amount to 13 616.40 Euro. In order to asses the knowledge based beliefs about the characteristics of inquiry methods, a model based questionnaire will be developed and validated. This instrument includes beliefs about the hypothetico-deductive procedure in science as well as beliefs about inquiry methods such as observing, comparing, arranging, experimenting and modelling. A first version of the questionnaire has been used in a preliminary study to assess the knowledge-based beliefs of 135 students for experimenting. The data show good reliability (Cronbachs Alpha = .81) for the questionnaire and positive correlations to experimenting competences (r = .35, p < .001). The further steps of the questionnaire development consist in integrating adequate and less adequate beliefs, working on content validity in an expert workshop, checking on comprehensibility for non-native speakers by linguists as well as investigating on convergent validity using an interview approach. The questionnaire will be administered in a sample of 400 students in the grade level 9 and 10. The generated data will be used to draw conclusions on the psychometric quality of the instrument and the structure of knowledge based beliefs. By applying existing test instruments derived from prior work, analysis on the influence of the knowledge based beliefs on the student competences in different science contexts will be carried out. The generated data will be used to apply for follow-up projects. Therein, an analysis of knowledge based beliefs in concrete science classroom situations and its influence on student level will be made possible.
DFG Programme Research Grants
Cooperation Partners Professor Dr. Hans Bickes; Professor Dr. Harald Gropengießer; Professor Dr. Rüdiger Tiemann; Professorin Dr. Annette Upmeier zu Belzen