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Mid-Infrared Quantum Imaging and Spectroscopy

Applicant Dr. Sven Ramelow
Subject Area Optics, Quantum Optics and Physics of Atoms, Molecules and Plasmas
Term from 2016 to 2024
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 314745413
The central goal of my research plan is pioneering and establishing mid-infrared quantum spectroscopy and quantum spectral-imaging based on induced quantum coherence. Quantum enhanced sensing is a vividly developing branch of quantum optics that starts touching on practical, real-world applications. First conceived from fundamental insights on the classical limits of sensing and imaging and how to overcome them with quantum states of light it enables for example to bypass Abbes famous optical resolution limit and to reduce fundamental noise from the quantization of light (shot-noise) leveraging quantum resources like entanglement and nonclassical photon statistics. Mid-IR light between wavelengths of 2-20 um has tremendous scientific and technological relevance because it covers the most intense and distinct vibrational molecular absorption bands, e.g. of important gas molecules or stretching modes of specific chemical groups in biological tissues. This makes it excellently suited for molecular spectroscopy and spectral imaging leading to a wide range of uses in chemical or bio-medical research and diagnostics. However, there are severe technological roadblocks for real-world mid-IR applications. The dominant reason is that detectors, cameras and spectrometers for the mid-infrared fundamentally have many orders of magnitude worse performance than their Si-based counterparts in the visible wavelength regime imposing serious limitations on sensitivity, dynamic range, signal-to-noise ratio, acquisition time, and temporal and spatial resolution. Moreover, despite promising progress for quantum cascade lasers, mid-IR super-continuum sources, mid-IR frequency combs or mid-IR synchrotron radiation, commercially available and bright sources of mid-infrared light are much more complex, cost-intensive, and less robust then their visible wavelength lasers such as laser diodes. Based on quantum optics, my research plan aims at fully overcoming these limitations, by not requiring any detectors or laser sources in the mid-IR, and using only high performance cameras and detectors sensitive in the visible. This is enabled by a recently introduced quantum optics approach using induced quantum coherence for quantum imaging with undetected photons (Nature 512, 409, 2014). Implementing mid-IR quantum imaging and spectroscopy will not only be fundamentally interesting opening up an entirely new wavelength regime for quantum optics but will be highly relevant for a wide range of applications in chemical sensing, biological analysis or medical diagnostics. A striking example and first target application is label-free, chemically selective mid-IR microscopy of tissues relevant for cancer diagnostics. Moreover, because this approach relies intrinsically on quantum entanglement it naturally opens up avenues for quantum enhanced resolution and sub-shot-noise performance, as well as for ultra-low light level illumination important for studying very sensitive samples.
DFG Programme Independent Junior Research Groups
Major Instrumentation True single photon counting EMCCD
Instrumentation Group 5430 Hochgeschwindigkeits-Kameras (ab 100 Bilder/Sek)

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