Evaluation of the Laryngeal Adductor Reflex with a Mechatronic Micro-droplet Laryngoscope
Otolaryngology, Phoniatrics and Audiology
Final Report Abstract
The laryngeal adductor reflex (LAR) is a vital mechanism of the human larynx, protecting the lower airways by vocal fold medialization. The LAR may be weakened in case of neurological impairment, increasing the risk of dangerous pneumonia due to accidental inhalations of foreign particles. Moreover, the neural control of the LAR has not yet been fully elucidated. To detect reflex pathologies and to facilitate further research regarding LAR characterization, a reproducible method for triggering and assessing this reflex is highly desirable. In the present project, a system of hardware and software components was developed to explore methods for the targeted, droplet-initiated LAR stimulation as well as for the automated analysis of simultaneously recorded, laryngoscopic high-speed frame sequences. Part of the developed system is an integrated droplet applicator module, which enables the formation of a stable LAR stimulation droplet with a known muzzle energy and a reproducible trajectory. To assist the clinical operator of the system, fluid system pressure regulation and control of the integrated solenoid valve have been automated, ensuring constant system parameters. Two different, custom-built laryngoscopes allow the visualization of the vocal folds and the surrounding tissue as well as the stereoscopic detection of the trajectory of a released droplet. This enables a prediction of the droplet impact site in the laryngoscopic image to guide the clinical user during the LAR evaluation procedure. After recording the LAR activity with a high-speed camera integrated in the stereolaryngoscopic system, the movement of the vocal folds after impact of the stimulation droplet can be tracked and LAR-related parameters can computationally be extracted from the frame sequence using algorithms developed in this project. Even though some challenges remain before a clinically approved MIT-LAR (Microdroplet Impulse Testing of the LAR) system can be introduced into the clinical routine, the obtained results represent a significant step forward with respect to the state of the art in the field of reproducible, objective, and safe screening methods of the laryngeal adduction reflex.
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