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Formation of central uplift structures in large, complex impact craters: Mechanical importance of pseudotachylitic breccia zones and prominent dislocations in the development of the Vredefort Dome, South Africa

Subject Area Palaeontology
Term from 2006 to 2012
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 30307603
Final Report Year 2009

No abstract available


  • 2007. From map to model – 3D visualization of the Vredefort Central Uplift, South Africa. Bridging The Gap II – Workshop on Impact Cratering, Montreal, Lunar and Planetary Institute Contrib. No.1360, abstract #8002, 2pp.
    Jahn, A., Riller, U. and Reimold, W.U.
  • 2007. Importance of pseudotachylitic breccia zones for understanding the formation of central uplift structures: Field evidence from the Vredefort Dome, South Africa. Bridging The Gap II – Workshop on Impact Cratering, Montreal, Lunar and Planetary Institute Contrib. No.1360, abstract #8071, 2pp.
    Lieger, D., Riller, U., Reimold, W. U., Gibson, R. L.
  • 2008. 3D modeling of ground-truth data – the formation of the Vredefort Central Uplift, South Africa. Paneth Kolloquium 2008, Nördlingen, PC2008-25
    Jahn, A., Reimold, W.U. and Riller, U.
  • 2008. Formation of fragment-rich pseudotachylite zones during central uplift formation in the Vredefort Impact Structure, South Africa. Lunar and Planetary Institute Contrib. 1423, 128-129
    Lieger, D., Riller, U., Reimold, W. U., Gibson, R. L.
  • 2008. Generation of radial and concentric melt-filled dislocation zones in the central uplift of the Vredefort Impact Structure, South Africa. Geotectonic Research 95/1 Special Issue TSK 12, Karlsruhe, 2pp.
    Lieger, D. and Riller, U.
  • 2008. Observations and interpretations at Vredefort, Sudbury and Chicxulub: Towards an empirical model of terrestrial impact basin formation. Meteorit. Planet. Sci., v. 43, p. 855–882
    Grieve, R.A.F., Reimold, W.U., Morgan, J., Riller, U., Pilkington, M.
  • 2008. The Geology of the Vredefort impact structure. Memoir 97, Council for Geoscience, Pretoria, 188 pp.
    Gibson, R.L. and Reimold, W.U.
  • 2008. Three-dimensional modeling of groundtruth data – a new approach for understanding the significance of prominent discontinuities during the formation of the Vredefort Central Uplift, South Africa. Lunar and Planetary Institute Contrib. 1423, 103-104
    Jahn, A., Riller, U. and Reimold, W.U.
  • 2009. Generation of fragment-rich pseudotachylite bodies during central uplift formation in the Vredefort Impact Structure, South Africa. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 279, 53-64
    Lieger, D., Riller, U., Gibson, R.L.

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