Internal carotid artery (ICA) stenosis is one major source of ischemic stroke. Current routine strategies focus on the treatment of cardiovascular risk factors, platelet inhibition and vessel recanalization in stenosis >40% NASCET criteria. However, additional factors that predispose to plaque rupture (i.e. plaque composition and local hemodynamics), are currently neglected. In an attempt to optimize individual risk stratification and stroke prevention we aim to determine hemodynamic factors that independently lead to plaque development, progression and finally rupture. Therefore, a comprehensive assessment of plaques and hemodynamics is planned in high-risk patients in order to study fluid-structure interaction over a three-year period. This will be achieved by establishing a new MRI protocol providing 3D high-resolution multi-contrast plaque imaging, analysis of local hemodynamics based on 4D flow MRI and the generation of personalized models of vessel wall structure and hemodynamics based on this data. We hypothesize that critical wall shear stress (WSS) is responsible for initial atherosclerosis and plaque development whereas mechanical stress and individual plaque composition determine plaque rupture at later stages. Accordingly, these risk factors would provide a completely new approach for the treatment of carotid stenosis and thus prevention of future ischemic stroke.
DFG Programme
Research Grants