Project Details
Spin+Education: Making the Invisible Visible - Technology-enhanced visualization of Spin and magnetism phenomena for teaching, learning and science communication in and out of school labs (Ö)
Subject Area
from 2016 to 2023
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 268565370
In the first funding period, the project could demonstrate that its activities can foster motivation and fascination regarding physics and especially spin and magnetism for the general public as well as students. These activities included e.g. a showcase, school labs for high school students and workshops/talks for the general public and especially girls and women. In a second step, we will now focus as a new approach on the understanding process. To foster cognitive variables, we will combine physical activities at the showcase and school labs with virtual visualizations of abstract concepts of magnetism and spin phenomena using Virtual Reality (VR)- and Augmented Reality (AR)-technologies.
DFG Programme
Subproject of
TRR 173:
Spin+X: Spin in its collective environment
Applicant Institution
Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau
Project Heads
Dr. Katrin Hochberg, until 12/2019; Professor Dr. Jochen Kuhn, since 3/2022