Angeborene Mechanismen chronischer Entzündung
Professorin Chiara Romagnani, Ph.D.
Fachliche Zuordnung
Förderung von 2016 bis 2020
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 288867951
Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
About Training and Memory: NK-Cell Adaptation to Viral Infections. Advances in Immunology, Vol. 133. 2017, pp. 171-207.
Hammer Q., Romagnani C.
OMIP-039: Detection and analysis of human adaptive NKG2C+ natural killer cells. Cytometry Part A, Vol. 91. 2017, Issue 10 (Special Issue), pp. 997-1000.
Hammer Q., Romagnani C.
Adaptive Natural Killer Cells Integrate Interleukin-18 during Target-Cell Encounter. Front Immunol. 2018 Jan 17;8:1976.
Hammer Q., Rückert T., Dunst J., Romagnani C.
Innate lymphoid cells in lung infection and immunity. Immunological Reviews, Vol. 286. 2018, Issue 1 (Special Issue: Innate Lymphoid Cells), pp. 102-119.
Stehle C., Hernández D.C., Romagnani C.
Natural killer cell specificity for viral infections. Nature Immunology, Vol. 19. 2028, pp. 800–808.
Hammer Q., Rückert T., Romagnani C.
Peptide-specific recognition of human cytomegalovirus strains controls adaptive natural killer cells. Nature Immunology, Vol. 19. 2018, pp. 453–463.
Hammer Q, Rückert T, Borst EM, Dunst J, Haubner A, Durek P, Heinrich F, Romagnani C., et al.