Living _Handbook of Perishable Food Supply Chains

Applicants Professorin Dr. Ursula Arning, since 2/2019; Privatdozentin Dr.-Ing. Judith Kreyenschmidt
Term from 2016 to 2021
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 288361862

Project Description

In order to promote open access publishing in the life sciences, ZB MED has developed the publishing format "Living Handbooks". This endeavor is based on more than 10 years of experience in digital publishing, in particular with the publishing portal German Medical Science (GMS). Here we propose to further develop a publishing platform for monographs covering comprehensively any given scientific field. The platform allows to publish and to retrieve most recent scientific results worldwide in a timely manner. New scientific findings can be quickly and easily incorporated into existing chapters and are clearly marked as new versions. Each new version is labelled with a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) rendering it searchable in the www-net. In contrast to usual print and online-publications, enriched publications such as Living Handbooks can be enriched with non-textual content (i.e. multimedia or scientific data) and semantic information. Following the successful launch of a pilot project featuring basic functions of scientific publishing feed-back from the scientific community (AWMF, bonn.realis etc.) demonstrated a clear demand for further developing and adjusting Living Handbooks according to users needs. This is especially the case for Living Handbook of Perishable Food Supply Chains. Up to now there is no national or international scientific reference medium which would comprehensively cover and intelligently connect the various themes of cold chain management a highly interdisciplinary research field including food technology, physics, chemistry, process engineering logistics, and supply chain and operational management. In addition, an overview of country specific aspects of worldwide trade with mandatorily refrigerated goods does not yet exist. The proposed handbook will make a considerable contribution in providing scientists, students and industrial stakeholders with a most recent overview of the field.Moreover, the handbook will be in the public interest by addressing issues such as optimizing food quality and safety and resource-saving food production and transport. The demand for the proposed handbook is further documented by the willingness of a wide national (Bonn, Giessen, Muenchen etc.) and international (Brazil, China, Canada, Mexico etc.) scientific community to contribute to this project. Following an initial test phase, the platform Living Handbooks will be made available to other scientific communities and societies. Based on the open source system Drupal the platform can be further developed by a wider community.
DFG Programme Science Communication, Research Data, eResearch (Scientific Library Services and Information Systems)
Ehemaliger Antragsteller Ulrich Korwitz, until 2/2019