The current treatment of aneurysatic or stenpotic large diameter vascular grafts uses two different prosthetic materials. Dacron prothesis serve the purpose of a blood vessels with good hemocompatibility however have the disadvantages of a constant infection risk, an inability to grow or remodell and pseudointimal peeling. Alternatively used allogenic vascular grafts reduce the risk for peeling and infection and are accordingly broadly used for replacement of infected prosthetic vascular grafts. Beside a limited availability due to organ scarcity these allografts tend to calcify heavily in particular in the pediatric population. Optimal arterial graft materials consist of human tissue components with characteristics of native arteries including an endothelial cell lining. Autologous endothelial lining of PTFE-prosthesis showed successfull short- and mid-term results when used for peripheral vascular and coronary artery bypass grafting. The rather complex in vitro manufacturing is however accompanied with an infection risk. Objective of the grant proposal is the engineering of an off-the-shelf vascuar graft using elektrospinning of human hybrid extracellular matruix components (ECM) with an additional surface biofunctionalization using oliginucleotids in order to attract and bind circulating endothelial progenitor cells for an autologous in vivo endothelialization after implantation.
DFG Programme
Research Grants
International Connection
United Kingdom