Development and fabrication of functional micromechanical and MicroOptoElectro-Mechanical Systems (MOEMS) by ultra-high resolution 3D multi-photo material processing of new polymer materials

Applicants Professor Dr. Boris Chichkov; Professor Dr.-Ing. Andreas Ostendorf
Subject Area Production Automation and Assembly Technology
Term from 2006 to 2013
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 28464120

Final Report

Final Report Year 2013

Final Report Abstract

The aim of this project is the synthesis and two-photon polymerization (2PP) of functional nanocomposites. Based on the 2PP of photosensitive polymers ultra-high resolution complex structures have been fabricated, which can be utilized as micro/nanodevices for MicroOptoElectro- Mechanical Systems (MOEMS). However, most of these structures lack important functional properties. Therefore, their use is limited to very few applications. For the functionalization of devices, photosensitive materials can be modified by adding functional nanoparticles into the polymer matrices. Thence, the optical, mechanical, electrical and magnetic properties of nanocomposites can be tuned by varying the composition and concentration of ingredients. As part of RUB project we have synthesized high refractive index polymer/TiO2 nanocomposites: In-situ and ex-situ methods, both of these methods we have successfully synthesized high refractive index nanocomposites at different concentrations; via 2PP the structures have been fabricated. Furthermore using ex-situ method we have developed high conductive polymer/Singlewalled nanotubes (SWNTs) nanocomposites at different concentrations, by means of 2PP the nanowires were successfully fabricated. Thus, these novel nanocomposites can be used both as structural and functional polymers for future applications. Using this method to synthesize nanocomposites has gained increased attention to obtain novel, optimized, and miniaturized composites that can meet a broad range of applications. The synthesized nanocomposites can subsequently be used to write complex structures by means of 2PP technology; this technology opens up new prospects for the realization of MOEMS with increased functionality, integration, and high level of miniaturization.


DFG Programme Research Grants
Major Instrumentation Lasersystem
Instrumentation Group 5700 Festkörper-Laser