Project Details
Hochatmosphärische Störungen während geomagnetischer Aktivität
Professor Dr. Gerd W. Prölss
Subject Area
Astrophysics and Astronomy
from 2006 to 2009
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 28463724
Final Report Year
Final Report Abstract
No abstract available
Ionospheric F-region storms: unsolved problems, in Characterizing the Ionosphere, pp. 10-1-0-20, Proc. RTO-MP-IST-056, Neuilly-sur-Seine, Frankreich: RTO, 2006
Prölss, G.W.
The equatorward wall of the subauroral trough in the afternoon/evening sector, Ann. Geophys., 25, 645-659, 2007
Prölss, G.W.
Ionospheric storms at mid-latitudes : a short review, in Midlatitude Ionospheric Dynamics and Disturbances (P.M. Kintner, A.J. Coster, T. Fuller-Rowell, A.J. Mannucci, M. Mendillo, and R. Heelis, eds.), AGU monograph 181, 9-24, American Geophys. Union, Washington, DC, 2008
Prölss, G.W.
Perturbations of the upper atmosphere in the cleft region, J. Atmos. Solar-Terr Phys., 70, 2374-2380, 2008
Prölss, G.W.