The composional and dynamic evolution of a large-volume felsic system (Gran Canaria)
Subject Area
Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry
from 2015 to 2019
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 284373436
Two main processes to explain the origin of highly evolved volcanic rocks on oceanic islands (rhyolites to phonolites) have been proposed for over 100 years: (1) crystal fractionation of basaltic magmas and (2) partial melting of crustal rocks of basaltic derivation and (3) a combination of these mechanisms. Gran Canaria, the paradigmatic endmember of oceanic bimodal basaltic - evolved volcanism, has erupted >100 km3 of practically exclusively felsic volcanics for >6 million years, represents a unique case history for documenting boundary conditions for the generation of a broad spectrum of evolved magmas. Rock units from 3 targets representing the very early, an intermediate and late stage of felsic volcanism will be subjected to thorough lithological, compositional/petrological and temporal analysis to provide a solid database on which to build a broader analytical strategy as well as a synthesis of the results of several decades of work on individual volcanic units.
DFG Programme
Research Grants