Due to the high potential of improving the resource efficiency, the direct recycling of aluminum alloy machining chips by hot extrusion is a promising alternative to the energy intense remelting of the chips with subsequent casting. It was shown in a previous research project that the bulk metal forming process of hot extrusion is capable of producing extrudates based on aluminum alloy machining chips having mechanical properties comparable to extruded cast material. The aim of the proposed project is to overcome the process limits of chip extrusion. For an extended applicability of the chip-based extrudates, further research is necessary to determine the dynamic mechanical behavior and the mechanical properties of extrudates fabricated from chips depending on the type and direction of load. Currently, it is not possible to predict the resulting mechanical properties of chip-based extrudates depending on the hot extrusion parameters. In order to predict the interdependency of hot extrusion parameters, state variables and the resulting mechanical properties, the development of a holistic numerical model of the chip extrusion process is aspired. In order to influence the state variables and to increase the quality of chip welding, both aiming on improving the mechanical properties of the chip-based extrudates, the hot extrusion dies are redesigned based on numerical results of the developed model.
DFG Programme
Research Grants