Neural foundations of hypnotic analgesia and hypnotic deafness, and blindness: Experi-mental evaluation of a neural dissociation model of hypnosis with high and low suggestible subjects.

Applicants Professor Dr. Wolfgang Miltner; Dr. Ewald Naumann
Subject Area General, Cognitive and Mathematical Psychology
Personality Psychology, Clinical and Medical Psychology, Methodology
Term from 2015 to 2020
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 279908710

Project Description

The neural basis of hypnotic states and hypnotically induced analgesia, deafness, and blind-ness is largely unknown. Based on previous studies, the project investigates a new neural dissociation model of hypnosis that postulates these hypnotic states and sensory modula-tions to represent specific states where the neural activation and communicative exchange of hierarchically organized processing structures of the brain are modulated and dissociated from each other. These modulations and dissociations will be investigated by means of sub-jective parameters and event-related electrical brain potentials and fast and slow oscillations of brain activities and complex mathematical methods for dynamic time series, neural source modeling and coherences analysis. Distraction of attention and simulation of the hypnotic state will serve as control conditions.
DFG Programme Research Grants