Passive sampling and passive dosing- an innovative approach for the combined chemical and biological analysis of hydrophobic organic pollutants sediment porewater of marine systems
Final Report Abstract
The project has developed innovative indicators to allow for a spatially structured description and assessment of the pollution and the risk potential of sediment-bound contaminants in marine ecosystems. For the first time the project has obtained toxicity data for the pore water concentrations of hydrophobic organic pollutants with largely reduced uncertainty, directly correlated the results with chemical analysis and verified the findings using artificial mixtures of the target analytes. This was achieved by adaptation of an in-situ equilibrium sampler (passive sampler) based on solid phase microextraction (SPME) for the investigation of hydrophobic organic compounds in marine ecosystems. The PDMS hollow fibers/O-rings carrying the sampled pollutant mixtures were directly applied as passive dosing phases in small-scale biotest systems. As hence no extraction of the fibers is necessary, the risk to alter the original substance composition is significantly reduced. Thus, resulting data are highly representative for the actual pollution on-site. Subsequently, the analysed mixture were reassembled and tested with concentration series using passive dosing in the test systems to derive concentration-response curves. Together with results on the distribution and accumulation of the contaminants an estimation of the risk due to sedimentbound pollutants is possible (mixture toxicity). Such realistic toxicity data in combination with knowledge on the distribution of the compounds and correlated with sediment parameters are a good foundation to derive reliable indicators for a good environmental state of Baltic Sea waters.
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