SFB 1242: Non-equilibrium dynamics of condensed matter in the time domain
Subject Area
since 2016
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 278162697
Project Description
No abstract available
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
International Connection
Current projects
A01 - Time-resolved non-equilibrium spectroscopy on artificial atoms and molecules
(Project Heads
Geller, Martin
Lorke, Axel
A02 - Charge carrier dynamics in nanostructures
(Project Heads
König, Jürgen
Sothmann, Björn
A05 - Femtosecond Time-Resolved Soft X-Ray Spectroscopy for an Element Specific Analysis of Complex Materials
(Project Heads
Bovensiepen, Uwe
Schapiro, Igor
Tarasevitch, Alexander
Wende, Heiko
A06 - Non-Equilibrium Charge Transfer between Solids and 2D Heterostructures in Vacuum and at Electrified Sol-id/Liquid Interfaces
(Project Heads
Campen, Ph.D., Richard Kramer
Hasselbrink, Eckart
Tong, Ph.D., Yujin
A07 - Charge Transfer, Diffusion and Lattice-Mediated Dynamics in Oxide Heterostructures
(Project Heads
Eschenlohr, Andrea
Ollefs, Katharina
A08 - Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of Tunnel Junctions
(Project Head
Gruber, Ph.D., Manuel
B01 - Local and non-local relaxation dynamics of charge carriers
(Project Heads
Bovensiepen, Uwe
Ligges, Manuel
B02 - Ab initio simulation of electronic excitation and relaxation
(Project Head
Kratzer, Peter
B03 - Driven Dynamics in Interacting Quantum Many-Body Systems
(Project Head
Schützhold, Ralf
B06 - Relaxation pathways for collective electronic excitations
(Project Head
Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank-Joachim
B07 - Unifying theoretical description of relaxation in electron systems
(Project Heads
Kratzer, Peter
König, Jürgen
Schützhold, Ralf
B09 - THz Dynamics of Photo-Excited Charge Carriers on the µm Scale
(Project Head
Mittendorff, Martin
B10 - Dynamica of Topological Electromagnetic Excitation
(Project Head
Everschor-Sitte, Karin
C01 - Structural dynamics in impulsively excited nanostructures
(Project Heads
Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus
Wang, Xijie
C02 - Coupling between structural and electronic excitations: an ab-initio investigation
(Project Heads
Gruner, Markus
Pentcheva, Rossitza
C03 - Driven phase transitions at surfaces: initial dynamics and relaxation
(Project Head
Horn-von Hoegen, Michael
C05 - Exploring particle-induced excitations in the time domain
(Project Heads
Breuer, Lars
Schleberger, Marika
Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus
Wucher, Andreas
MGK - Integrated Research Training Group
(Project Heads
Hasselbrink, Eckart
König, Jürgen
Schleberger, Marika
Z - Central project management
(Project Head
Bovensiepen, Uwe
Ö - Public relations
(Project Heads
Lorke, Axel
Wöhrl, Nicolas
Completed projects
A03 - Non-equilibrium dynamics of nanoscopic objects for competing processes
(Project Heads
Bobisch, Christian A.
Möller, Rolf
A04 - Photoinduced non-equilibrium dynamics in molecular adsorbates: From ensemble to single-molecule experiments
(Project Head
Schlücker, Sebastian
B04 - Non-equilibrium dynamics of the phonon system
(Project Head
Horn-von Hoegen, Michael
B08 - Non-equilibrium dynamics in solids probed by terahertz fields
(Project Head
Turchinovich, Ph.D., Dmitry
C04 - Time-resolved 2D-IR-spectroscopy at adsorbate layers
(Project Head
Hasselbrink, Eckart
Applicant Institution
Universität Duisburg-Essen
Participating Institution
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR)
Participating University
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Professor Dr. Uwe Bovensiepen