Graffiti of young Cairene artists as a mirror of political and social transformations: An analysis of iconographic dynamics and forms of self-positioning (since 2011)
Subject Area
Islamic Studies, Arabian Studies, Semitic Studies
from 2015 to 2019
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 275495062
Since the Egyptian revolution in 2011, graffiti have been used for individual expression and as comments on social and political dynamics. They became media of documentation and tools of commemoration, thus presenting a form of a chronic of the revolution. The planned research project investigates how young Cairene artists use graffiti as a central medium of expression. The writings and iconographic elements in the graffiti of select Cairene artists will be analyzed as well as how these artists locate themselves in a broader frame (society, art scene etc.). The study focusses on the graffiti that have been painted in the Muhammad Mahmud street and the streets in its immediate proximity. Being close to the iconic Tahrir square, they were the sites of violent confrontations between security forces and protesters and have been transformed into a central place of graffiti production. In this context, the works of the graffiti artists Ammar Abu Bakr, Keizer, Nazeer, El-Zeft and Alaa al-Awad are central and will especially be analyzed. Due to the fact that they use different, often even divergent, styles and concepts, a wide range and variety of Cairene graffiti production can thus be studied. The main research questions are: Which elements/symbols do these artists use and how do they combine them? To which events do they refer thematically and how do they position themselves in debates about their society by means of their comments? Which political, social and/or religious statements are expressed? Which symbolic references, metaphors and cultural codes can be identified? What is the relationship between text messages and visual elements in these graffiti? This first part of the study is based on techniques from the field of (visual) content analysis as well as narratology and media theories. Subsequently, it will be broadened by qualitative semistructured, narrative interviews which have been conducted with the Graffiti artists. Hereby, their views and comments on their works as well as the lines of identification and demarcation, which they identify will be studied. Thus it will be highlighted how they perceive, comment and take up positions towards the recent transformations. The proposed project will contribute to studies about the recent transformations in Egypt. It analyzes how life worlds of young Cairene Graffiti artists are reflected in their works, how they perceive, (dis-)engage and interact within the late upheavals.
DFG Programme
Research Grants
International Connection