welding generation of wear protection coatings for high temperature applications
Subject Area
Coating and Surface Technology
Mechanical Properties of Metallic Materials and their Microstructural Origins
from 2015 to 2017
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 274523861
The statistical distribution of hard phases by size, shape and orientation has a substantial influence to the wear resistance of hard alloys. At attacks of granular materials it is necessary that the space between the hard phases is smaller than the average particle diameter of abrasive. Hereby the hard phases are embedded in a comparatively matrix. Pseudo alloys for applications at room temperature are established. The goal of the project is the generation and qualification of pseudo alloys for high temperature applications. High-alloyed and high-temperature-resistant alloys on Ni- and Co-base are used. These alloys are reinforced with different dissimilar hard phases. The welding investigations will be done with the PTA-process, because this welding procedure has the necessary variability regarding the processible amount of hard phases and energy management for pseudo alloys. The welded alloys are characterized with abrasive and erosive wear tests up to a working temperature of 800°C. A main focus will be the change of wear mechanisms correlated to the microstructure and the composition of the hard phases at increasing temperatures.
DFG Programme
Research Grants