Projekt Druckansicht

SPP 1897:  Calm, Smooth and Smart - Novel Approaches for Influencing Vibrations by Means of Deliberately Introduced Dissipation

Fachliche Zuordnung Maschinenbau und Produktionstechnik
Förderung Förderung von 2016 bis 2023
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 273845692
Erstellungsjahr 2024

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

Entsprechend des vorgegebenen Leitmotivs beschäftigen sich die als Teil des deutschlandweit agierenden Forschungsverbunds tätigen Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler mit der Identifikation und anschließenden Nutzbarmachung neuartiger Möglichkeiten zur gezielten Einflussnahme auf das Schwingungsverhalten mechanischer Bauteile. Das Vorhaben stellt sich damit der großen Herausforderung, den dringenden Bedarf an innovativen Ansätzen zur Minimierung der Schwingungsanfälligkeit der heute vielerorts anzutreffenden Leichtbaustrukturen zu befriedigen. Vor diesem Hintergrund steht neben einer tiefgreifenden Erforschung der zugrundeliegenden physikalischen Vorgänge ebenfalls eine Vielzahl ganz praktischer Anwendungen aus dem alltäglichen Leben im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchungen. So können bspw. durch eine Reduktion der Quietschgeräusche von Scheibenbremsen in Kraftfahrzeugen die wirkenden Belastungen für Mensch und Umwelt in bedeutendem Maße verringert werden.

Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)

  • Experimental investigations on compressed nonwovens as damping material for enhanced constrained layer damping. Singapore ICSVLCI, Hrsg. in Proceedings of the 28th International Congress on Sound and Vibration. Singapore: Society of Acoustics
    Ehrig T.; Müller-Pabel M.; Modler N. & Kostka P.
  • Modelling and experimental verification of a curved lightweight structure with adaptive dynamic behaviour. Singapore ICSVLCI, Hrsg. in Proceedings of the 28th International Congress on Sound and Vibration. Singapore: Society of Acoustics
    Ehrig T.; Hildebrand C.; Modler N. & Kostka P.
  • Active Vibration Control of Excited Structures by means of Shape Adaption. Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies
    Nowak, A.; Willner, K.; Campanile, L.F. & Hasse, A.
  • Aircraft cabin noise reduction by means of acoustic black holes. In: INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings, 2017
    Blech, C. & Langer, S. C.
  • Characterization of complex states for friction‐excited systems. PAMM, 17(1), 45-46.
    Stender, Merten; Tiedemann, Merten & Hoffmann, Norbert
  • Determination of the Damping Characteristics of Fiber-Metal-Elastomer Laminates Using Piezo-Indicated-Loss-Factor Experiments. Key Engineering Materials, 742(c(2017, 7, 3)), 325-332.
    Sessner, Vincent; Stoll, Matthias; Feuvrier, Arnaud & Weidenmann, Kay André
  • Experimental Investigations of Brake Pad Shim Properties. PAMM, 17(1), 41-44.
    Schmid, Dominik; Gräbner, Nils & von Wagner, Utz
  • Investigation of the damping behaviour of hybrid CFRP-elastomer-metal laminates. 20th International Conference on Composite Structures, Paris, France, September 4 – 7 2017
    Liebig, W. V.; Sessner, V.; Weidenmann, K. A. & Kärger, L.
  • Model Order Reduction for Parametric Non‐linear Mechanical Systems: State of the Art and Future Research. PAMM, 17(1), 37-40.
    Meyer, Christian H.; Lerch, Christopher; Lohmann, Boris & Rixen, Daniel J.
  • Numerical studies on the optimal exploitation of the acoustic black hole effect in curved panels. In: INTER-NOISE and NOISE- CON Congress and Conference Proceedings
    Dorn, M.; Blech, C. & Langer, S. C.
  • Predicting the Influence of an Added Liquid in a Particle Damper using Coupled SPH and Discrete Element Method. PAMM, 17(1), 31-32.
    Gnanasambandham, Chandramouli & Eberhard, Peter
  • Study on the producibility of additively manufactured acoustic black holes In: Proceedings of the International Congress on Sound and Vibration, 2017
    Rothe, S.; Watschke, H.; Vahid & Langer, S. C.
  • „AMfe – Finite Elements for Structural Dynamics with Simplicity in Mind“. In: EuroSciPy 2017 – 10th European Conference on Python in Science. Erlangen, Deutschland
    Meyer, C. H.; Rutzmoser, J. B. & Rixen, D. J.
  • „Modellordnungsreduktion für parametrische nichtlineare mechanische Systeme mittels erweiterter simulationsfreier Basen und Hyperreduktion“. In: Methoden und Anwendungen der Regelungstechnik. Erlangen-Münchener Workshops 2015 und 2016. Hrsg. von B. Lohmann und G. Roppenecker. Shaker Verlag, pp. 67–86, 2017
    Lerch, C. & Meyer, C.
  • „Simulation-Free Hyper-Reduction For Geometrically Nonlinear Structures Based On Stochastic Krylov Training Sets“. In: Proceedings of COMPDYN 2017, 6th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. Hrsg. von M. F. M. Papadrakakis. European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS)
    Meyer, C. H.; Rutzmoser, J. B. & Rixen, D. J.
  • A multi-scale approach for the virtual characterization of transversely isotropic viscoelastic materials in the frequency domain. KMM-VIN Workshop, Freiburg, Germany, October 9 – 10 2018
    Jackstadt, A.; Liebig, W. V.; Galkin, S.; Sessner, V.; Weidenmann, K. A. & Kärger L.
  • A new concept of an electrorheological planar damper for independent damping adjustment in planar movement; Actuator 18, Bremen, pp. 350-353
    Tan, A. S.; Sattel, T. & Ross, K. H.
  • A Note on Switchable Vibration Absorber Concepts Based on Magneto- or Electrorheological Fluid Dampers. The 4th International Conference on Vibro-Impact Systems and Systems with Contact and Friction ICoVIS 2018, Kassel, Germany, 30 July – 03 August 2018
    Suryadi Tan, A.; Sattel, T.; Aramendiz, J. & Fidlin, A.
  • An Amplitude Adaptive Sequential Friction-Spring Add-On Damper. The 4th International Conference on Vibro-Impact Systems and Systems with Contact and Friction ICoVIS 2018, Kassel, Germany, 30 July – 03 August 2018
    Aramendiz, J.; Fidlin, A. & Lei, K.
  • Characterization of Brake Shims Using Analytical Constrained Layer Damping Theories. PAMM, 18(1).
    Schmid, Dominik; Gräbner, Nils & von Wagner, Utz
  • Compression and frequency dependence of the viscoelastic shear properties of flexible open-cell foams. Polymer Testing, 70(c(2018, 9)), 151-161.
    Ehrig, Tom; Modler, Niels & Kostka, Pawel
  • Efficient basis updating for parametric nonlinear model order reduction. PAMM, 18(1).
    Meyer, Christian H.; Lerch, Christopher; Karamooz Mahdiabadi, Morteza & Rixen, Daniel
  • Efficient basis updating for parametric nonlinear model order reduction. PAMM, 18(1).
    Meyer, Christian H.; Lerch, Christopher; Karamooz Mahdiabadi, Morteza & Rixen, Daniel
  • Evaluation of the Reduced Order Models for Thermoelastodynamic Response of Geometrically Nonlinear Finite Element Models. PAMM, 18(1).
    Karamooz Mahdiabadi, Morteza; De Crescenzo, Francesco; Meyer, Christian H. & Rixen, Daniel J.
  • Experimental and numerical characterisation of fibre‐metal‐elastomer laminates by using DMA regarding its damping behaviour. PAMM, 18(1).
    Sessner, Vincent; Liebig, Wilfried V.; Kärger, Luise & Weidenmann, Kay A.
  • Experimental and numerical characterisation of fibre‐metal‐elastomer laminates by using DMA regarding its damping behaviour. PAMM, 18(1).
    Sessner, Vincent; Liebig, Wilfried V.; Kärger, Luise & Weidenmann, Kay A.
  • Experimental and numerical investigations on the deformation behavior of fiber-metal-elastomer laminates in 3-point bending experiments using digital image correlation. EuroHybrid, Bremen, Germany, April 18 – 19 2018
    Sessner, V.; Liebig, W. V.; Kärger, L. & Weidenmann, K. A.
  • Experimental investigations of lightweight structures with fluidically actuated Compressible Constrained Layer Damping. Materials Today Communications, 16(c(2018, 9)), 204-211.
    Ehrig, Tom; Holeczek, Klaudiusz & Kostka, Pawel
  • Hybrid CFRP-elastomer-meta laminates: influence of lay-up parameters on its damping behaviour. 18th European Conference on Composite Materials, Athens, Greece, June 24 – 28 2018
    Liebig, W. V.; Sessner, V.; Jackstadt, A.; Weidenmann, K. A., & Kärger, L.
  • Impact of an irregular friction formulation on dynamics of a minimal model for brake squeal. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 107(c(2018, 7)), 439-451.
    Stender, Merten; Tiedemann, Merten; Hoffmann, Norbert & Oberst, Sebastian
  • Investigating the dissipative effects of liquid-filled particle dampers using coupled DEM–SPH methods. Computational Particle Mechanics, 6(2), 257-269.
    Gnanasambandham, Chandramouli; Schönle, Andreas & Eberhard, Peter
  • Limitation of an adjustable two degree‐of‐freedom damper system for directional damping. PAMM, 18(1).
    Tan, Aditya Suryadi; Dahlmann, Martin & Sattel, Thomas
  • Materialmodellierung zur Untersuchung des Schwingungs- und Dämpfungsverhaltens von hybriden CFK-Elastomer-Metall-Laminaten. DGM FA Polymerwerkstoffe, Kassel, Germany, November 15 – 16 2018
    Liebig, W. V.; Jackstadt, A.; Kärger, L.; Sessner, V. & Weidenmann, K. A.
  • Mesoscale Simulation of Shape Memory Alloy Film Damping. PAMM, 18(1).
    Ahmadi, Shahabeddin; Jacob, Kiran; Wendler, Frank & Kohl, Manfred
  • Model and Parameter Study of a Shape‐Adaptable Beam for Vibration Control. PAMM, 18(1).
    Nowak, Alexander; Willner, Kai & Hasse, Alexander
  • Modeling of dissipative processes during dynamic loading of shape memory alloys, Proc. MSE 2018, Sept. 26-28, Darmstadt, Germany (2018)
    Wendler, F.; Ahmadi, S.; Jacob, K. & Kohl, M.
  • Modelling of constrained layer damping for bending waves in frequency domain using finite shell elements. PAMM, 18(1).
    Dorn, Matthias & Langer, Sabine Christine
  • Multiple spatially localized dynamical states in friction-excited oscillator chains. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 417(c(2018, 3)), 56-64.
    Papangelo, A.; Hoffmann, N.; Grolet, A.; Stender, M. & Ciavarella, M.
  • Nonlinear model reduction for control of an active constrained layer damper. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1106(c(2018, 10)), 012024.
    Meyer, C H; Holeczek, K; Meschenmoser, M & Lerch, C
  • Nonlinear model reduction for control of an active constrained layer damper. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1106(c(2018, 10)), 012024.
    Meyer, C H; Holeczek, K; Meschenmoser, M & Lerch, C
  • Numerical and experimental investigations of the damping behaviour of hybrid CFRP-elastomer-metal laminates. Composite Structures, 202(c(2018, 10)), 1109-1113.
    Liebig, Wilfried V.; Sessner, Vincent; Weidenmann, Kay A. & Kärger, Luise
  • Numerical investigations of polymer‐based fibre‐reinforced structures with fluidically actuated Compressible Constrained Layer Damping. PAMM, 18(1).
    Holeczek, Klaudiusz; Koschichow, Roman; Schlieter, Tomasz; Ehrig, Tom & Kostka, Pawel
  • Numerical modelling of additively manufactured acoustic black holes, In: Proceedings of inter-noise 2018, Seiten 2137-2148, Chicago, USA
    Rothe, S.; Blech, C.; Watschke, H.; Vietor, T. & Langer, S.C.
  • Parametric Nonlinear Model Reduction for Structural Dynamics. MATHMOD 2018 Extended Abstract Volume (2018), 95-96. ARGESIM Publisher Vienna.
    Lerch, Christopher & Meyer, Christian Helmut
  • Quantification of Numerical Damping in the Acoustic Boundary Element Method for Two-Dimensional Duct Problems. Journal of Theoretical and Computational Acoustics, 26(03), 1850022.
    Baydoun, Suhaib Koji & Marburg, Steffen
  • Shape memory alloy film damping for smart miniature systems. International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials, 9(3), 199-215.
    Ahmadi, Shahabeddin; Jacob, Kiran; Wendler, Frank & Kohl, Manfred
  • Shape Memory Alloy Film Damping, Proc. ESMC’18, July 2-6th, Bologna, Italy (2018)
    Kohl, M.; Ahmadi, S.; Jacob, K.; Quandt, E. & Wendler, F.
  • Study on the dynamics of a lock-up mass damper: asymptotic analysis and application limits. Nonlinear Dynamics, 97(3), 1867-1875.
    Fidlin, Alexander & Aramendiz, Jimmy
  • Studying Energy Dissipation Mechanisms in Pseudoelastic Thin Film Shape Memory Alloys for Vibration Damping, Proc. EMMC’16, March 26 – 28, Nantes, France (2018)
    Wendler, F.; Ahmadi, S.; Jacob, K. & Kohl, M.
  • Vibration damping of portable devices by superelastic SMA foils, IEEE Xplore Digital Library
    Jacob, K.; Ahmadi, S.; Wendler, F. & Kohl, M.
  • Wavelet-based analysis of time-variant adaptive structures. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 376(2126), 20170245.
    Dziedziech, Kajetan; Nowak, Alexander; Hasse, Alexander; Uhl, Tadeusz & Staszewski, Wiesław J.
  • A greedy reduced basis scheme for multifrequency solution of structural acoustic systems. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 121(2), 187-200.
    Baydoun, Suhaib Koji; Voigt, Matthias; Jelich, Christopher & Marburg, Steffen
  • A Multi-Layer Finite Shell Element based on the Generalized Unified Formulation for the Analysis of Hybrid Carbon Fiber Elastomer Metal Laminates. 12th International Conference on Composite Science and Technology (2019). Sorrento, Italy, May 8 – 10 2019
    Jackstadt, A.; Liebig, W. V. & Kärger, L.
  • Application of a mixed variational higher order plate theory towards understanding the deformation behavior of hybrid laminates. PAMM, 19(1).
    Jackstadt, Alexander; Liebig, Wilfried V.; Sessner, Vincent; Weidenmann, Kay A. & Kärger, Luise
  • Calming forced vibrations by friction based mass dampers with variable structure. The 14th International Conference on Vibrations Problems ICoVP 2019, 1 – 4 September 2019, Crete, Greece
    Fidlin, A. & Aramendiz, J.
  • Comparative study between dry friction and electrorheological fluid switches for Tuned Vibration Absorbers. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 460(c(2019, 11)), 114874.
    Tan, Aditya Suryadi; Aramendiz, Jimmy; Ross, Kanu Hughan; Sattel, Thomas & Fidlin, Alexander
  • Comparative study between dry friction and electrorheological fluid switches for Tuned Vibration Absorbers. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 460(c(2019, 11)), 114874.
    Tan, Aditya Suryadi; Aramendiz, Jimmy; Ross, Kanu Hughan; Sattel, Thomas & Fidlin, Alexander
  • Comparison of different harmonic balance based methodologies for computation of nonlinear modes of non-conservative mechanical systems. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 127(c(2019, 7)), 159-171.
    Jahn, Martin; Tatzko, Sebastian; Panning-von Scheidt, Lars & Wallaschek, Jörg
  • Complex machine dynamics: systematic recurrence quantification analysis of disk brake vibration data. Nonlinear Dynamics, 97(4), 2483-2497.
    Stender, Merten; Oberst, Sebastian; Tiedemann, Merten & Hoffmann, Norbert
  • COMPLEX MODAL DERIVATIVES FOR MODEL REDUCTION OF NONCLASSICALLY DAMPED, GEOMETRIC NONLINEAR STRUCTURES. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2015) (2019), 4448-4458. Institute of Structural Analysis and Antiseismic Research School of Civil Engineering National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) Greece.
    Meyer, Christian H.; Gruber, Fabian M. & Rixen, Daniel J.
  • Damping adjustment utilizing digital electrorheological valves with parallely segmented electrodes. Smart Materials and Structures, 28(7), 075013.
    Tan, Aditya Suryadi; Belkner, Johannes; Stroschke, Adrian & Sattel, Thomas
  • Damping Characterization of Hybrid Carbon Fiber Elastomer Metal Laminates using Experimental and Numerical Dynamic Mechanical Analysis. Journal of Composites Science, 3(1), 3.
    Sessner, Vincent; Jackstadt, Alexander; Liebig, Wilfried V.; Kärger, Luise & Weidenmann, Kay A.
  • Determining growth rates of instabilities from time-series vibration data: Methods and applications for brake squeal. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 129(c(2019, 8)), 250-264.
    Stender, Merten; Tiedemann, Merten; Hoffmann, Lando & Hoffmann, Norbert
  • Dynamic Behaviour Adaptation of Lightweight Structures by Compressible Constrained Layer Damping with Embedded Polymeric Foams and Nonwovens. Applied Sciences, 9(17), 3490.
    Ehrig, Tom; Holeczek, Klaudiusz; Modler, Niels & Kostka, Pawel
  • Energy harvesting below the onset of flutter. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 458(c(2019, 10)), 17-21.
    Stender, Merten; Tiedemann, Merten & Hoffmann, Norbert
  • Evanescent morphing for tuning the dynamic behavior of composite lightweight structures: Theoretical assessment. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 28(7), 721-730.
    Holeczek, Klaudiusz; Zhou, Bingquan & Kostka, Pawel
  • Frequency domain modelling of transversely isotropic viscoelastic fibre-reinforced plastics. Composites Science and Technology, 180(c(2019, 8)), 101-110.
    Liebig, Wilfried V.; Jackstadt, Alexander; Sessner, Vincent; Weidenmann, Kay A. & Kärger, Luise
  • Global proper orthogonal decomposition for parametric model reduction of geometrically nonlinear structures. PAMM, 19(1).
    Meyer, Christian H. & Rixen, Daniel
  • Investigating the Effect of Complex Particle Shapes in Partially Liquid‐Filled Particle Dampers using Coupled DEM‐SPH Methods. PAMM, 19(1).
    Gnanasambandham, Chandramouli & Eberhard, Peter
  • Investigations on amplitude adaptive sequential friction‐spring dampers. ZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics / Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 101(7).
    Aramendiz, Jimmy; Fidlin, Alexander & Lei, Kan
  • Layer-effect by additive manufacturing of acoustic black holes, In: Proceedings of inter-noise 2019, Seiten 7514-7522, Madrid, Spain
    Rothe, S.; Blech, C.; Watschke, H.; Vietor, T. & Langer, S.C.
  • Macroscale and Mesoscale Simulation of Shape Memory Alloy Film Damping, Proc. SMST 2019, Konstanz, Germany
    Ahmadi, S.; Jacob, K.; Wendler, F. & Kohl, M.
  • Mesoscale Simulation of Shape Memory Alloy Thin Film Devices, Proc. IUTAM’19 (Interntl. Union Theor. Appl. Mech.), April 28 – May 2, Austin, Texas, USA (2019)
    Wendler, F.; Ahmadi, S.; Jacob, K. & Kohl, M.
  • Modeling a Partially Liquid-filled Particle Damper using Coupled Lagrangian Methods. In Proceedings of the VI International Conference on Particle-Based Methods. Fundamentals and Applications (PARTICLES 2019), Barcelona, pp. 744-753, 2019
    Gnanasambandham, C. & Eberhard, P.
  • Multi-scale dynamics of particle dampers using wavelets: Extracting particle activity metrics from ring down experiments. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 454(c(2019, 8)), 1-13.
    Gnanasambandham, C.; Stender, M.; Hoffmann, N. & Eberhard, P.
  • Multi-scale dynamics of particle dampers using wavelets: Extracting particle activity metrics from ring down experiments. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 454(c(2019, 8)), 1-13.
    Gnanasambandham, C.; Stender, M.; Hoffmann, N. & Eberhard, P.
  • On Brake Pad Shim Characterization: a Homogenization Approach and Finite Element Analysis. Advanced Structured Materials (2019), 447-464. Springer International Publishing.
    Schmid, Dominik; Gräbner, Nils & von Wagner, Utz
  • On the Dynamics of a Prestressed Sliding Wedge Damper. PAMM, 19(1).
    Aramendiz, Jimmy; Fidlin, Alexander & Baranowski, Eugen
  • On the use of complex numbers in equations of nonlinear structural dynamics. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 126(c(2019, 7)), 626-635.
    Tatzko, Sebastian & Jahn, Martin
  • Parameter Identification of Brake Pad Shims for Complex Eigenvalue Analysis. PAMM, 19(1).
    Schmid, Dominik; Sessner, Vincent; Gräbner, Nils; von Wagner, Utz & Weidenmann, Kay André
  • Parameter Variation on Nonlinear Energy Sink attached to Multiple Degree of Freedom System. PAMM, 19(1).
    Jahn, Martin; Panning-von Scheidt, Lars & Wallaschek, Jörg
  • Reconstruction of Governing Equations from Vibration Measurements for Geometrically Nonlinear Systems. Lubricants, 7(8), 64.
    Didonna, Marco; Stender, Merten; Papangelo, Antonio; Fontanela, Filipe; Ciavarella, Michele & Hoffmann, Norbert
  • Recovery of Differential Equations from Impulse Response Time Series Data for Model Identification and Feature Extraction. Vibration, 2(1), 25-46.
    Stender, Merten; Oberst, Sebastian & Hoffmann, Norbert
  • Revealing transitions in friction-excited vibrations by nonlinear time-series analysis. Nonlinear Dynamics, 98(4), 2613-2630.
    Stender, Merten; Di Bartolomeo, Mariano; Massi, Francesco & Hoffmann, Norbert
  • Shape Memory Foil-Based Active Micro Damping for Portable Applications. 2019 20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems & Eurosensors XXXIII (TRANSDUCERS & EUROSENSORS XXXIII) (c(2019, 6)), 590-593. IEEE.
    Jacob, Kiran; Ahmadi, Shahabeddin; Wendler, Frank; Miyazaki, Shuichi; Gueltig, Marcel & Kohl, Manfred
  • Stiffness modulation as a method for vibration reduction. 30th International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies
    Nowak, A.; Campanile, L.F. & Hasse, A.
  • Temperature Dependency of the Deformation Behavior of Hybrid CFRP/Elastomer/Metal Laminates under 3-Point Bending Loads. Key Engineering Materials, 809(c(2019, 6)), 259-265.
    Sessner, Vincent & Weidenmann, Kay André
  • The effect of an elastomer interlayer thickness variation on the mechanical properties of Fiber-Metal-Laminates. Composite Structures, 219(c(2019, 7)), 90-96.
    Stoll, Matthias M.; Sessner, Vincent; Kramar, Manuel; Technau, Jakob & Weidenmann, Kay A.
  • „Impact of model reduction on frequency responses of linear and geometric nonlinear finite element models“. In: 90th Annual Meeting of GAMM 2019. Wien, Österreich
    Lerch, C.; Meyer, C. & Lohmann, B.
  • Active Vibration Damping and Control using SMA Foil-based Devices, IEEE Xplore Digital Library
    Jacob, K.; Sessner, V.; Miyazaki, S. & Kohl, M.
  • Analyse von Tilgerkonfigurationen mit trockenen Reibungselementen. Forschung im Ingenieurwesen, 84(2), 179-189.
    Aramendiz, Jimmy & Fidlin, Alexander
  • Approximation of stability radii for large-scale dissipative Hamiltonian systems. Advances in Computational Mathematics, 46(1).
    Aliyev, Nicat; Mehrmann, Volker & Mengi, Emre
  • Comparison of Different Approaches to Include Connection Elements into Frequency-Based Substructuring. Experimental Techniques, 44(4), 425-433.
    Meyer, C. H. & Rutzmoser, J. B.
  • Data-driven techniques for the nonlinear dynamics of mechanical structures. Doctoral thesis, Technische Universität Hamburg
    Merten S.
  • Design of a Novel Magnetorheological Damper Adaptable to Low and High Stroke Velocity of Vehicle Suspension System. Applied Sciences, 10(16), 5586.
    Kim, Bo-Gyu; Yoon, Dal-Seong; Kim, Gi-Woo; Choi, Seung-Bok; Tan, Aditya Suryadi & Sattel, Thomas
  • Enhancing the dissipative properties of particle dampers using rigid obstacle-grids. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 484(c(2020, 10)), 115522.
    Gnanasambandham, C.; Fleissner, F. & Eberhard, P.
  • Experimental Application of Control-Based-Continuation for Characterization of Isolated Modes on Single- and Multiple-Degree-of-Freedom Systems. Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series (c(2020, 9, 13)), 135-138. Springer International Publishing.
    Kleyman, Gleb; Paehr, Martin & Tatzko, Sebastian
  • Hyperchaos co-existing with periodic orbits in a frictional oscillator. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 472(c(2020, 4)), 115203.
    Stender, Merten; Jahn, Martin; Hoffmann, Norbert & Wallaschek, Jörg
  • Hyperchaos co-existing with periodic orbits in a frictional oscillator. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 472(c(2020, 4)), 115203.
    Stender, Merten; Jahn, Martin; Hoffmann, Norbert & Wallaschek, Jörg
  • Investigation of radiation damping in sandwich structures using finite and boundary element methods and a nonlinear eigensolver. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 147(3), 2020-2034.
    Baydoun, Suhaib Koji & Marburg, Steffen
  • Material Parameter Identification for Acoustic Simulation of Additively Manufactured Structures. Materials, 14(1), 168.
    Rothe, Sebastian; Blech, Christopher; Watschke, Hagen; Vietor, Thomas & Langer, Sabine C.
  • Modal damping behavior of plane and 3D curved constrained layer damping CFRP-elastomer-metal laminates. Composites Part C: Open Access, 2(c(2020, 10)), 100037.
    Sessner, Vincent; Liebig, Wilfried V. & Weidenmann, Kay A.
  • Model order reduction in mechanical engineering. 2. Applications (c(2020, 12, 16)), 33-74. De Gruyter.
    Lohmann, B.; Bechtold, T.; Eberhard P.; Fehr, J.; Rixen, D.J.; Cruz Varona M.; Lerch, C.; Yuan C. D.; Rudnyi E. B.; Fr¨ohlich, B.; Holzwarth, P.; Grunert, D.; Meyer, C. H. & Rutzmoser J. B.
  • On the numerical simulations of amplitude-adaptive impact dampers. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 468(c(2020, 3)), 115023.
    Yüzbasioglu, Tunc; Aramendiz, Jimmy & Fidlin, Alexander
  • On the numerical simulations of amplitude-adaptive impact dampers. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 468(c(2020, 3)), 115023.
    Yüzbasioglu, Tunc; Aramendiz, Jimmy & Fidlin, Alexander
  • Simulation-Free Reduction Basis Interpolation to Reduce Parametrized Dynamic Models of Geometrically Non-linear Structures. Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series (c(2020, 9, 13)), 237-247. Springer International Publishing.
    Meyer, Christian H. & Rixen, Daniel J.
  • Simulation-Free Reduction Basis Interpolation to Reduce Parametrized Dynamic Models of Geometrically Non-linear Structures. Nonlinear Structures & Systems, Volume 1, 237–247. Springer International Publishing.
    Meyer, Christian H. & Rixen, Daniel J.
  • SIMULATION-LEAN TRAINING-SETS FOR HYPER-REDUCTION OF PARAMETRIC GEOMETRIC NON-LINEAR STRUCTURES. Proceedings of the XI International Conference on Structural Dynamics (2020), 80-92. EASD.
    Meyer, Christian H. & Rixen, Daniel J.
  • SIMULATION-LEAN TRAINING-SETS FOR HYPER-REDUCTION OF PARAMETRIC GEOMETRIC NON-LINEAR STRUCTURES. Proceedings of the XI International Conference on Structural Dynamics (2020), 80-92. EASD.
    Meyer, Christian H. & Rixen, Daniel J.
  • Sound Transmission Loss of a Sandwich Plate with Adjustable Core Layer Thickness. Materials, 13(18), 4160.
    Ehrig, Tom; Dannemann, Martin; Luft, Ron; Adams, Christian; Modler, Niels & Kostka, Pawel
  • Suppression of Complex Hysteretic Resonances in Varying Compliance Vibration of a Ball Bearing. Shock and Vibration, 2020(c(2020, 9, 8)), 1-11.
    Zhang, Zhiyong; Sattel, Thomas; Tan, Aditya Suryadi; Rui, Xiaoting; Yang, Shaopu; Yang, Rui; Ying, Yongheng & Li, Xuan
  • The Basin Stability of Bi-Stable Friction-Excited Oscillators. Lubricants, 8(12), 105.
    Stender, Merten; Hoffmann, Norbert & Papangelo, Antonio
  • The extended periodic motion concept for fast limit cycle detection of self-excited systems. Computers & Structures, 227(c(2020, 1)), 106139.
    Jahn, Martin; Stender, Merten; Tatzko, Sebastian; Hoffmann, Norbert; Grolet, Aurélien & Wallaschek, Jörg
  • The extended periodic motion concept for fast limit cycle detection of self-excited systems. Computers & Structures, 227(c(2020, 1)), 106139.
    Jahn, Martin; Stender, Merten; Tatzko, Sebastian; Hoffmann, Norbert; Grolet, Aurélien & Wallaschek, Jörg
  • A greedy reduced basis algorithm for structural acoustic systems with parameter and implicit frequency dependence. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 122(24), 7409-7430.
    Jelich, Christopher; Koji Baydoun, Suhaib; Voigt, Matthias & Marburg, Steffen
  • A subspace iteration eigensolver based on Cauchy integrals for vibroacoustic problems in unbounded domains. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 122(16), 4250-4269.
    Baydoun, Suhaib Koji; Voigt, Matthias; Goderbauer, Benedikt; Jelich, Christopher & Marburg, Steffen
  • Active Damping of Thin Film Shape Memory Alloy Devices. PAMM, 20(1).
    Ahmadi, S.; Jacob, K.; Wendler, F.; Padhy, A. & Kohl, M.
  • Aktive trockene Reibungselemente in Tilgerkonfigurationen. Schwingungen 2021 (2021), 333-344. VDI Verlag.
    Aramendiz, J. A. & Fidlin, A.
  • Analytical, numerical and experimental investigations of a tuned wedge damper with segmented smooth contact surfaces. In 25th International Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics ICTAM 2021, August 22 – 27, Book of Abstracts, pp. 283 – 284
    Fidlin, A. & Aramendiz, J.
  • bSTAB: an open-source software for computing the basin stability of multi-stable dynamical systems. Nonlinear Dynamics, 107(2), 1451-1468.
    Stender, Merten & Hoffmann, Norbert
  • Charakterisierung und Modellierung des Dämpfungsverhaltens von hybriden Faser-Metall-Elastomer-Laminaten. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe
    Sessner, V.
  • Damping based on electromagnetic induction: A comparison of different minimal models. PAMM, 20(1).
    Rosenboom, Mitja & Hetzler, Hartmut
  • Deep learning for brake squeal: Brake noise detection, characterization and prediction. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 149(c(2021, 2)), 107181.
    Stender, Merten; Tiedemann, Merten; Spieler, David; Schoepflin, Daniel; Hoffmann, Norbert & Oberst, Sebastian
  • Extension of an analytical solution of a unified formulation to the frequency response of composite plates with viscoelastic layers. PAMM, 20(1).
    Jackstadt, Alexander & Kärger, Luise
  • Kleine Änderungen mit großer (Dämpfungs-)Wirkung: Compressible Constrained Layer Damping (CCLD) as novel damping treatment. 24. Internationales Dresdner Leichtbausymposium. Dresden, 17.-18.6.2021
    Ehrig T.; Hildebrand C.; Modler N. & Kostka P.
  • Limit cycle computation of self‐excited dynamic systems using nonlinear modes. PAMM, 20(1).
    Tatzko, Sebastian; Stender, Merten; Jahn, Martin & Hoffmann, Norbert
  • Limit cycle computation of self‐excited dynamic systems using nonlinear modes. PAMM, 20(1).
    Tatzko, Sebastian; Stender, Merten; Jahn, Martin & Hoffmann, Norbert
  • Low-Rank Iteration Schemes for the Multi-Frequency Solution of Acoustic Boundary Element Equations. Journal of Theoretical and Computational Acoustics, 29(03).
    Baydoun, Suhaib Koji; Voigt, Matthias & Marburg, Steffen
  • Modeling the Mullins effect of rubbers used in constrained‐layer damping applications. PAMM, 21(1).
    Jackstadt, Alexander; Frölich, Felix; Weidenmann, Kay & Kärger, Luise
  • Modeling the Mullins effect of rubbers used in constrained‐layer damping applications. PAMM, 21(1).
    Jackstadt, Alexander; Frölich, Felix; Weidenmann, Kay & Kärger, Luise
  • Numerical study on shape functions for optimal exploitation of the acoustic black hole effect. PAMM, 20(1).
    Rothe, Sebastian; Dorn, Matthias & Langer, Sabine Christine
  • Parallel field segmentation concept in ER/MR dampers for a simpler control system; Actuator 2021, pp. 385-38
    Tan, A. S.; Sattel, T. & Radler, O.
  • Particle Dampers – Enhancing Energy Dissipation using Fluid/Solid Interactions and Rigid Obstacle-Grids. Dissertation, Schriften aus dem Institut für Technische und Numerische Mechanik der Universität Stuttgart, Band 68. Aachen: Shaker Verlag
    Gnanasambandham, C.
  • Spatially localized vibrations in a rotor subjected to flutter. Nonlinear Dynamics, 103(1), 309-325.
    Nitti, A.; Stender, M.; Hoffmann, N. & Papangelo, A.
  • Study on model reduction for position optimization of acoustic black holes. PAMM, 21(1).
    Meyer, Christian H.; Lerch, Christopher; Rothe, Sebastian; Hoffmann, Steffen; Langer, Sabine C.; Lohmann, Boris & Rixen, Daniel J.
  • Study on model reduction for position optimization of acoustic black holes. PAMM, 21(1).
    Meyer, Christian H.; Lerch, Christopher; Rothe, Sebastian; Hoffmann, Steffen; Langer, Sabine C.; Lohmann, Boris & Rixen, Daniel J.
  • Vibration reduction by stiffness modulation – A theoretical study. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 501(c(2021, 6)), 116040.
    Nowak, Alexander; Campanile, L. Flavio & Hasse, Alexander
  • Wide Scale Characterization and Modeling of the Vibration and Damping Behavior of CFRP-Elastomer-Metal Laminates—Comparison and Discussion of Different Test Setups. Applied Composite Materials, 28(5), 1715-1746.
    Sessner, Vincent; Liebig, Wilfried V.; Jackstadt, Alexander; Schmid, Dominik; Ehrig, Tom; Holeczek, Klaudiusz; Gräbner, Nils; Kostka, Pawel; von Wagner, Utz; Weidenmann, Kay A. & Kärger, Luise
  • Wide Scale Characterization and Modeling of the Vibration and Damping Behavior of CFRP-Elastomer-Metal Laminates—Comparison and Discussion of Different Test Setups. Applied Composite Materials, 28(5), 1715-1746.
    Sessner, Vincent; Liebig, Wilfried V.; Jackstadt, Alexander; Schmid, Dominik; Ehrig, Tom; Holeczek, Klaudiusz; Gräbner, Nils; Kostka, Pawel; von Wagner, Utz; Weidenmann, Kay A. & Kärger, Luise
  • Wide Scale Characterization and Modeling of the Vibration and Damping Behavior of CFRP-Elastomer-Metal Laminates—Comparison and Discussion of Different Test Setups. Applied Composite Materials, 28(5), 1715-1746.
    Sessner, Vincent; Liebig, Wilfried V.; Jackstadt, Alexander; Schmid, Dominik; Ehrig, Tom; Holeczek, Klaudiusz; Gräbner, Nils; Kostka, Pawel; von Wagner, Utz; Weidenmann, Kay A. & Kärger, Luise
  • A compact 4-Dof MR damper with semiindependent damping adjustment; Actuator 2022, Actuator Conferenz 18, Mannheim, Deutschland, VDE-Verlag, pp. 101-104
    Tan, A. S.; Sattel, T.; Rabel, F. & Sill, Y. L.
  • Analytical modeling and investigation of constrained layer damping in hybrid laminates based on a unified plate formulation. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 216(c(2022, 2)), 106964.
    Jackstadt, Alexander; Liebig, Wilfried V. & Kärger, Luise
  • Broadband Damping Properties of Particle Dampers Mounted to Dynamic Structures. Experimental Mechanics, 62(9), 1569-1578.
    Schönle, A.; Gnanasambandham, C. & Eberhard, P.
  • Design and performance investigation of a novel 3DOF compact MR damper. Smart Materials and Structures, 31(12), 125020.
    Suryadi Tan, Aditya; Rabel, Fabian; Sattel, Thomas; Lee Sill, Yannick & Goldasz, Janusz
  • Energy dissipation in horizontally driven particle dampers of low acceleration intensities. Nonlinear Dynamics, 108(4), 3009-3024.
    Meyer, Niklas & Seifried, Robert
  • Enhancement of Shock Absorption Using Hybrid SMA-MRF Damper by Complementary Operation. Actuators, 11(10), 280.
    Jacob, Kiran; Tan, Aditya Suryadi; Sattel, Thomas & Kohl, Manfred
  • Friction-induced noise in drum brakes: finite-element modeling and experiments with special focus on damping. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 92(8), 2467-2481.
    Schmid, Dominik; Gräbner, Nils & von Wagner, Utz
  • Hybrid assessment of acoustic radiation damping combining in-situ mobility measurements and the boundary element method. Acta Acustica, 6(2022), 44.
    Baydoun, Suhaib Koji; Roozen, N.B. & Marburg, Steffen
  • Investigation into the influence of the Mullins effect on the dynamic behavior of hybrid laminates. 11th European Solid Mechanics Conference (2022). Galway, Ireland, July 4 – 8 2022
    Jackstadt, A.; Frölich, F.; Liebig, W. V.; Kärger, L. & Weidenmann, K. A.
  • Low-velocity impact behavior of hybrid CFRP-elastomer-metal laminates in comparison with conventional fiber-metal laminates. Composite Structures, 287(c(2022, 5)), 115340.
    Li, Zhongyu; Zhang, Junyuan; Jackstadt, Alexander & Kärger, Luise
  • Material and particle size sensitivity analysis on coefficient of restitution in low-velocity normal impacts. Computational Particle Mechanics, 9(6), 1293-1308.
    Meyer, Niklas; Wagemann, Eric L.; Jackstadt, Alexander & Seifried, Robert
  • Material and particle size sensitivity analysis on coefficient of restitution in low-velocity normal impacts. Computational Particle Mechanics, 9(6), 1293-1308.
    Meyer, Niklas; Wagemann, Eric L.; Jackstadt, Alexander & Seifried, Robert
  • Multi‐scale characterization of granular media by in situ laboratory X‐ray computed tomography. GAMM-Mitteilungen, 45(3-4).
    Ruf, Matthias; Taghizadeh, Kianoosh & Steeb, Holger
  • Nonlinear eddy current damping device with adjustable damping properties, Proceedings of ISMA2022
    Rosenboom, M. & Hetzler, H.
  • Recent Advances in Acoustic Boundary Element Methods. Journal of Theoretical and Computational Acoustics, 30(03).
    Preuss, Simone; Gurbuz, Caglar; Jelich, Christopher; Baydoun, Suhaib Koji & Marburg, Steffen
  • Review: A Survey on Configurations and Performance of Flow-Mode MR Valves. Applied Sciences, 12(12), 6260.
    Gołdasz, Janusz; Sapiński, Bogdan; Kubík, Michal; Macháček, Ondřej; Bańkosz, Wojciech; Sattel, Thomas & Tan, Aditya Suryadi
  • Systematic design of particle dampers for transient vertical vibrations. Granular Matter, 25(1).
    Meyer, Niklas & Seifried, Robert
  • Understanding slow compression and decompression of frictionless soft granular matter by network analysis. Soft Matter, 18(9), 1868-1884.
    Luding, Stefan; Taghizadeh, Kianoosh; Cheng, Chao & Kondic, Lou
  • Vorgehen zur Charakterisierung und Modellierung von Mehrschichtbelägen, In: Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2022, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik (DEGA), Seiten 528-531., Stuttgart
    Hoffmann, S.; Rothe, S. & Langer, S.C.
  • A Combined Numerical-Experimental Approach for the Damping Evaluation of Non-Linear Dissipative Vibration Systems. Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics (c(2023, 9, 20)), 285-303. Springer Nature Switzerland.
    Kleyman, Gleb; Jahn, Martin; Tatzko, Sebastian & Scheidt, Lars Panning-von
  • A Study on Friction Dampers and Their Contact Geometry Design. Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics (c(2023, 9, 20)), 25-44. Springer Nature Switzerland.
    Aramendiz, Jimmy & Fidlin, Alexander
  • A Systematic Approach to Smart Damping of Mechanical Systems Based on Inductive Electro-Mechanical Coupling. Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics (c(2023, 9, 20)), 63-81. Springer Nature Switzerland.
    Rosenboom, Mitja & Hetzler, Hartmut
  • Acoustic Black Holes – Modelling, Shaping, Placement and Application. Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics (c(2023, 9, 20)), 169-188. Springer Nature Switzerland.
    Hoffmann, Steffen; Rothe, Sebastian & Langer, Sabine Christine
  • Combination of Acoustic Black Holes with point masses. INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings, 265(6), 1268-1276.
    Hoffmann, Steffen; Rothe, Sebastian & Langer, Sabine Christine
  • Continuation methods for lab experiments of nonlinear vibrations. GAMM-Mitteilungen, 46(2).
    Tatzko, Sebastian; Kleyman, Gleb & Wallaschek, Jörg
  • Design of robust particle dampers using inner structures and coated container walls. Granular Matter, 25(1).
    Meyer, Niklas & Seifried, Robert
  • Field-Responsive Fluid Based Multi-degree-of-Freedom Dampers for Independently Adjustable Dissipation. Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics (c(2023, 9, 20)), 305-324. Springer Nature Switzerland.
    Tan, Aditya Suryadi & Sattel, Thomas
  • Granular Mixtures with Tailored Effective Properties. Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics (c(2023, 9, 20)), 325-347. Springer Nature Switzerland.
    Taghizadeh, Kianoosh; Luding, Stefan & Steeb, Holger
  • Investigation of the Nonlinear Dynamics of a Particle-Damped Slender Beam by Experimental Continuation. Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series (c(2023, 6, 19)), 225-227. Springer Nature Switzerland.
    Kleyman, Gleb & Tatzko, Sebastian
  • Lightweight Structures with Adaptive Dynamic Behavior Through Evanescent Morphing. Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics (c(2023, 9, 20)), 147-167. Springer Nature Switzerland.
    Ehrig, Tom; Hildebrand, Christoph; Holeczek, Klaudiusz; Modler, Niels & Kostka, Pawel
  • Numerical and Experimental Assessment of Acoustic Radiation Damping. Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics (c(2023, 9, 20)), 231-246. Springer Nature Switzerland.
    Baydoun, Suhaib Koji & Marburg, Steffen
  • On Drum Brake Squeal—Assessment of Damping Measures by Time Series Data Analysis of Dynamometer Tests and Complex Eigenvalue Analyses. Machines, 11(12), 1048.
    Gräbner, Nils; Schmid, Dominik & von Wagner, Utz
  • On the Influence of Piecewise Defined Contact Geometries on Friction Dampers. Dissertation, Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Technische Mechanik, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Band 40. KIT Scientific Publishing
    Aramendiz, J.
  • On the vibration control of semi-active friction dampers with piecewise defined contact geometries. Acta Mechanica, 234(12), 6297-6314.
    Aramendiz, Jimmy & Fidlin, Alexander
  • Particle Dampers—Vibration Reduction Through Distributed Dissipation Over Complex Particle Shapes. Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics (c(2023, 9, 20)), 1-24. Springer Nature Switzerland.
    Schönle, Andreas; Gnanasambandham, Chandramouli & Eberhard, Peter
  • Simulation-Based Design of Hybrid Particle Dampers with Application to Flexible Multibody Systems. Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics (c(2023, 9, 20)), 45-62. Springer Nature Switzerland.
    Meyer, Niklas & Seifried, Robert
  • Simulation-Free Model Reduction Approaches for Geometric-Nonlinear and Linear-Visco-Elastic Mechanical Systems. Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics (c(2023, 9, 20)), 189-208. Springer Nature Switzerland.
    Lerch, Christopher; Meyer, Christian; Rixen, Daniel J. & Lohmann, Boris
  • Sound characteristics of disordered granular disks: effects of contact damping. Frontiers in Physics, 11(c(2023, 5, 22)).
    Saitoh, Kuniyasu; Taghizadeh, Kianoosh & Luding, Stefan
  • Systematic design of particle dampers for passive vibration attenuation. Dissertation, Technische Universität Hamburg
    Meyer, N.
  • The influence of impact damage on the damping behavior of constrained layer damping laminates. ICCM23 International Conference on Composite Materials (2023). Belfast, United Kingdom, July 30 – August 4 2023
    Jackstadt, A.; Kärger, L. & Weidenmann, K. A.
  • Towards neural network‐based numerical friction models. PAMM, 22(1).
    Vater, Kerstin; Stender, Merten & Hoffmann, Norbert
  • Vibration Reduction by Energy Transfer Using Shape Adaption. Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics (c(2023, 9, 20)), 265-284. Springer Nature Switzerland.
    Nowak, Alexander; Willner, Kai & Hasse, Alexander
  • X-ray 3D imaging–based microunderstanding of granular mixtures: Stiffness enhancement by adding small fractions of soft particles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(26).
    Taghizadeh, K.; Ruf, M.; Luding, S. & Steeb, H.
  • Calm, Smooth and Smart. Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics (2024). Springer Nature Switzerland.
    Eberhard, Peter (Hrsg.)
  • On the influence of low-velocity impact damage on constrained-layer damping in hybrid CFRP-elastomer-metal laminates. Materials & Design, 241(c(2024, 5)), 112882.
    Jackstadt, Alexander; Liebig, Wilfried V.; Weidenmann, Kay A. & Kärger, Luise


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