In recent years, a wealth of precise cosmological observations have revolutionised our view of the Universe by showing that it is currently undergoing a phase of accelerated expansion. This phenomenon might imply that the energy content of the Universe is dominated by a dark energy component that counteracts the attractive force of gravity. Alternatively, it might be the signature of the break down of general relativity on very large scales. Observations of the large-scale structure of the Universe based on new large-volume galaxy surveys such as eBOSS, HETDEX and Euclid are expected to play a major role in distinguishing between these two scenarios. Galaxies form a variety of structures, with galaxy groups and clusters connected by a series of filaments around large under-dense regions called voids. Although measurements of the abundance of voids, as well as of the distribution of galaxies around these regions, encode invaluable cosmological information, little attention has been devoted to their analysis. The aim of this research project is to use this information to obtain robust constraints on the nature of dark energy, and possible deviations from general relativity. However, the precision demanded by these measurements requires that systematics are well understood. We will develop and apply novel modelling techniques that will provide the major improvements to our current theoretical understanding of cosmic voids that are needed to ensure that their full scientific potential is realised.
DFG Programme
Research Grants
International Connection