GRK 902:  Research on Teaching and Learning Science

Subject Area Educational Research
Term from 2004 to 2012
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 273635

Project Description

The research of the Research Training Group parallels that one of the Research Unit "Research on Teaching and Learning Science". The goal of both is to study problems of science classroom instruction on different levels: the individual student level (an instructional psychology orientation), the classroom level (a domain-specific didactics orientation), and the school and system level (an educational research orientation). The projects of the research group focus on science literacy, horizontal and vertical integration of subject matters, teaching methods, appreciation of science education in the public school system, and teacher education. The PhD theses of the postgraduates are closely linked to these projects of the Research Unit.
One goal of the PhD study programme is to qualify PhD students who have an academic background in diverse science related teacher education and master programmes to do theoretically and methodologically sound research on a high level. Another goal is to teach basic science and related didactics to PhD students who have an academic background in the social sciences (education, psychology etc.) so that they will be able to do sound research on domain-specific problems in this field. National and international experts are integrated in the study programme, and the PhD students are expected to spend three months in an international research group abroad.
DFG Programme Research Training Groups
Applicant Institution Universität Duisburg-Essen
Spokesperson Professorin Dr. Elke Sumfleth
Participating Researchers Professor Dr. Hans Ernst Fischer; Professor Dr. Detlev Leutner; Professorin Dr. Kornelia Möller; Professor Dr. Stefan Rumann; Professorin Dr. Angela Sandmann; Professor Dr. Joachim Wirth