GRK 802:  Risikomanagement bei Natur- und Zivilisationsgefahren für Bauwerke und Infrastrukturanlagen

Fachliche Zuordnung Bauwesen und Architektur
Förderung Förderung von 2002 bis 2010
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 273491


Risk management of natural and civilization hazards on buildings and infrastructure is an extremely important task for the future. Natural disasters like earthquakes, storms or floods are increasing and eternal risks which have already cost the lives of many people. On the other hand, civilization hazards due to accidents in chemical plants, nuclear power plants, landfill sites, contamination of ground water, big blazes, etc. are increasing in number.
The goal of the international research training group on risk management of natural and civilization hazards on the built environment is the investigation of relevant subjects, including the analysis, monitoring, control and reduction of the above risks.
The College is organized by the Technical University of Braunschweig and the University of Florence, Italy. The students work in Braunschweig as well as in Florence. A carefully structured teaching program supports the introduction into the actual problems.
The international research training group is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and partly by the federal state of Lower Saxony and, on the Italian side, by the Ministry of Universities and Research.
DFG-Verfahren Internationale Graduiertenkollegs
Internationaler Bezug Italien
Antragstellende Institution Technische Universität Braunschweig
IGK-Partnerinstitution Universita degli Studi di Firenze
Facolta di Ingeneria
Sprecher Professor Dr.-Ing. Udo Peil
beteiligte Wissenschaftler Professor Dr. Heinz Antes; Professor Dr. Ali Müfit Bahadir; Professor Dr.-Ing. Harald Budelmann; Professor Dr. Berthold Burkhardt; Professor Dr.-Ing. Norbert Dichtl; Professor Dr.-Ing. Dieter Dinkler; Professor Dr.-Ing. Andreas Dittrich; Professor Dr.-Ing. Klaus Fricke; Professor Dr.-Ing. Klaus Peter Großkurth; Professor Dr. Marc Gürtler; Professor Dr.-Ing. Dietmar Hosser; Professor Dr.-Ing. Martin H. Kessel; Professor Dr.-Ing. Manfred Krafczyk; Professor Dr. Reinhard Leithner; Professor Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Maniak; Professor Dr. Hermann Georg Matthies; Professor Dr.-Ing. Günter Meon; Professor Dr.-Ing. Hocine Oumeraci; Professor Dr.-Ing. Jörn Pachl; Professor Dr. Gernot Sieg; Professor Dr.-Ing. Joachim Stahlmann; Professor Dr.-Ing. Thomas Ummenhofer
Kooperationspartnerinnen / Kooperationspartner Professor Dr.-Ing. E.h.Giuliano Augusti; Professor Dr.-Ing. Gianni Bartoli; Professor Dr.-Ing. Ignazio Becchi; Dr.-Ing. Pietro Capone; Professor Dr. Sandro Chiostrini; Professor Dr. Marcello Ciampoli; Professor Dr.-Ing. Luca Facchini; Professor Dr. Massimiliano Gioffrè; Professor Dr. Vittorio Gusella; Professor Dr.-Ing. Claudio Lubello; Professor Dr. Massimo Majowiecki; Professor Dr. Luigi Annibale Materazzi; Professor Dr.-Ing. Salvatore Giacomo Morano; Professor Dr. Giovanni Puccetti; Professorin Dr. Anna Saetta; Professor Dr.-Ing. Ostilio Spadaccini
Sprecher (IGK-Partner) Professor Dr.-Ing. Claudio Borri