Project Details
GRK 778: Cognitive Neurobiology
Subject Area
from 2002 to 2005
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 273435
The research training group "Cognitive Neurobiology" supports PhDprojects investigating the neurobiology of cognition. Cognitiveprocesses that can be observed in behavior include perception, memory,problem solving, way finding, and language. Neurobiologicalinvestigation of cognition aims at identifying the neural andphysiological mechanisms underlying cognitive behavior. Additionalquestions concern the evolution of cognitive abilities in the animalkingdom, the ontogenesis of cognition (cognitive development andlearning), and the adaptive value of cognitive abilities in ecology(cognitive ecology). Currently, the comparative study of cognitiveabilities among various animal species and man forms a focus ofresearch. The research training group is offering 12 stipends. Inaddition a number of students are admitted for "ideal" membership. Allstudents take part in the curriculum of the group whichincludes seminars, workshops on selected topics (e.g., Theory ofMind), as well as excursions of academic and industrial research labs.
DFG Programme
Research Training Groups
Applicant Institution
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Professor Dr. Hanspeter A. Mallot
Participating Researchers
Professor Dr. Niels Birbaumer; Professor Dr. Heinrich H. Bülthoff; Professor Dr. Johannes Dichgans; Professor Dr. Wolfgang Grodd; Professor Dr. Hans-Otto Karnath; Professorin Dr. Ingeborg Krägeloh-Mann; Professor Dr. Werner Jürgen Schmidt (†); Professor Dr. Hans-Ulrich Schnitzler; Professor Dr. Hans-Peter Thier; Professor Dr. Rolf Ulrich; Professor Dr. Eberhart Zrenner