GRK 689:
Reactivity in the Surface Region
Subject Area
Chemical Solid State and Surface Research
from 2001 to 2004
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 273257
The research training group is aimed at the investigation of the behaviour of real surfaces and of surface regions of very different materials with respect to their interactions with relevant reactants. Owing to the special constellation of the involved working groups at the University of Essen, an extraordinary broad treatment of surface processes will become possible. Those are reaching from elementary reactions, caused by interactions of energy or particles with surfaces, via coating problems to refine materials, the interaction of inner surfaces of building materials in aggressive environments, up to the well known interaction of medical implants and biological systems. In all of these only apparently very different areas the essential of the behaviour of the respective material is to be seen in the interaction of its surface with the corresponding environment. This becomes very obvious for medical implants, the lifetime of which is no longer dependent on their mechanical stability, but on the biocompatibility of their surfaces.
DFG Programme
Research Training Groups