Project Details
GRK 673: Template Directed Chemical Synthesis
Subject Area
Molecular Chemistry
from 2001 to 2005
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 273217
In this international research training group eleven research groups from the Institutes of Inorganic and Organic Chemistry at the University of Münster and nine scientists from the Holland Research School of Molecular Chemistry have combined forces to focus on an interdisciplinary topic in the heart of chemistry. Intensive bilateral collaboration is ensured by the formation of six Dutch/German subgroups which have formulated mutual research aims to be jointly elucidated within the research training group. The scientific programme encompasses all relevant areas of molecular synthetic chemistry, and the expertise and fields of research of the participating groups are located at the disciplinary boundaries of inorganic, organic, biological and theoretical chemistry.The research training group will provide its student members with a deep knowledge of modern computational and experimental concepts and will enable them to apply these techniques to the solution of demanding synthetic targets. Thereby, the interdisciplinary and bilateral structure of the group will allow a broader overview of scientific and societal interrelations, which will be of great importance for future research in international chemical industry. Furthermore, these skills will be strengthened by offering an intensive teaching component of innovation and management, because the Institute of Business Management, recently founded at the faculty of chemistry in Münster, will be strongly involved in the training programme. Thus, by building a bridge between economy and science, this concept will provide its doctoral students with a well-rounded and unique experience of chemistry and its place in society and in the world economy.
DFG Programme
International Research Training Groups
Applicant Institution
Universität Münster
Professor Dr. F. Ekkehardt Hahn
Participating Researchers
Professor Dr. Jacques H. van Boom; Professor Dr. Cornelius Johannes Elsevier; Professor Dr. Gerhard Erker; Professor Dr. Hans-Werner Frühauf; Professor Dr. Thorsten Glaser; Professor Dr. Stefan Grimme; Professor Dr. Günter Haufe; Professor Dr. Henk Hiemstra; Professor Dr. Dieter Hoppe (†); Professor Dr. Bernt Krebs; Professor Dr. Koop Lammertsma; Professor Dr. Jens Leker; Professor Dr. Hartmut Redlich; Professor Dr. Jan Reedijk; Professor Dr. Hans E. Schoemaker; Professor Dr. Siegfried R. Waldvogel; Professor Dr. Ernst-Ulrich Würthwein