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GRK 592:  Lymphocytes: Differentiation, Activation and Deviation

Subject Area Medicine
Term from 2000 to 2009
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 272991
A new and unique training program in immunology for M.D. and Ph.D.students was established at the Medical School in May 2000. Thetraining program funded in part by the DFG and the State of Bavaria contains many elements that proved to be very successful at several American institutions. Examples are a financed trainee program at American institutions and German pharmaceutical companies, communication courses, workshops in special topics in immunology and guidance of students by a thesis advisory committee. We think our innovative training program together with the commitment ofthe participating faculty to teaching and mentoring will provide astimulating environment for graduate and medical students, which willallow them to finish their thesis projects in three years.
DFG Programme Research Training Groups

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