In the first year Ph.D. students of the Graduiertenkolleg participate in a mandatory curriculum in methods (microeconomics, empirical methods) and in advanced courses on ecology, environmental economics, resource economics, and environmental management. The research projects are on dynamic incentives of environmental policy instruments, hold-up problems, energy and resource saving technical progress, analysis of ecological tax reforms by means of CGM models, traffic and the environment, econometric estimations of abatement costs. Several projects treat environmental problems and policy in the third world, among others: joint implementation and clean-development mechanism in India, consequences of energy use in China, children's work and resource exploitation, geography and economy of natural catastrophes, allocation of water in India, comparative advantages of waterintensive agriculture and international trade, sustainable development and population growth as well as migration. Finally there are projects in environmental management, in particular about the Porter Hypothesis and reduction economy.
DFG Programme
Research Training Groups