In contrast to other Ph.D. programs of the DFG, this virtual researchtraining group is not localized at one specific place, but spread overseveral research institutions in five German cities. Instead of beingsupported by their local professors and colleagues only, this settingenables students to collaborate with colleagues of other workgroups at the various locations in order to share their research ideas and to integrate their results within a wider research community. The general topic of the research training group addresses one of the most important research questions of the developing "global information society" from a psychological point of view. How can virtual groups be supported efficiently in teaching and learning with new media without getting lost in the "virtual space"? The work of the course reflects this topic in a twofold way: On the one hand, the students' own knowledge exchange is organized by using new media. The students collaborate in online workgroups and special virtual seminars. On the other hand, the possibilities and limits of using new media for teaching and learning are themselves focused in all Ph.D. projects.
DFG Programme
Research Training Groups