GRK 388:
Biotechnology: Biochemical and Molecular Foundation
Subject Area
Basic Research in Biology and Medicine
from 1998 to 2003
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 272155
The research training group of "Biotechnology" was started in 1998 and supports 13 fellows and 15 associate fellows. The research training group represents a consortium of scientific groups from all areas of biomedical and biotechnological research. These groups are active in basic and applied research. The research training group guarantees a qualified supervision of each PhD student, working in a modern research area at the forefront of Science. Furthermore, we try to promote our fellows in various ways. We offer regular seminars, lectures, special courses, and international workshops. These activities should encourage our students to obtain a broader view on the methodology and concepts of modern biotechnology. In addition, we provide seminars in other key qualifications (i.e. soft skills), such as communication, rhetoric and management strategies. A good knowledge of and contact to biotechnological and pharmaceutical industries is another prerequisite for a successful career outside academia. In order to promote contacts, we regularly invite speakers from industry to our weekly seminars or to our workshops. In addition, each fellow is obliged to spend an internship of several weeks in a biotech company. Fortunately, this concept seems to work, as all of our graduates have found an employment either in industry or in academia after successfully completing their PhD studies.
DFG Programme
Research Training Groups