GRK 338:
Local Innovative Energy Systems
Subject Area
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
from 1996 to 2005
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 271953
Overlapping several departments of engineering, architecture and philosophy the research and training program is developed together with a study program. They are sponsored with the intention to enable the post-graduate Ph.D. qualification of specialists in the field of thermal an electrical power engineering. The programs are directed to the investigation of structures and equipment used in innovative energy systems for the supply of energy (heat, cold and electrical power) in decentralized insular systems or for systems coupled with the central energy infrastructure. Energy comes mostly from regenerative energy sources (wastes, bio-masses, wind and sunshine).Additionally power management, power conditioning, reliability, availability, maintainability and power quality are fields of research. The term "Local" means the limitation of the power systems in size up to about several MW of output power. "Innovation" means here the investigation of new or the enhancement of existing energy systems in the direction of better technical or economic parameters. The embedding of energy systems within the surrounding cultural andpolitical environment following the principle of sustainable development completes the area of investigations. The results of the program are useful for industrial countries as well as for developing countries. The third funding period deals with the problem of the "Virtual power station".
DFG Programme
Research Training Groups