It is the aim of this project to reduce the uncertainty of calibration of multi-axis force- and torque sensors for static measurements and for the first time provide a measurement procedure for the traceable calibration of these sensors for dynamic measurements. To reach these goals the force- and torque-components acting on the multicomponent- sensor to be calibrated are determined by measuring the geometry and the deformation characteristics of the loading device and the position of the weights by means of optical 3Dmetrology with high spatial and temporal resolution. For the measurement of geometry and deformation characteristics an optical 3D-metrology technique using the principle of near-field photogrammetry is adapted to the special requirements of the static multi-axis measurement in a hexapod loading device and evaluated in addition to the readings of the internal gauges. The relative measurement uncertainty of the static six-axis measurement of force and torque shall be reduced by a factor of 5. In addition the basic requirements for traceable dynamic multi-axis measurements will be provided. This includes the definition and the examination of appropriate adapter elements and weights for the generation of multiaxis dynamic forces and torques acting on multi-component sensors, the optimization of the applied optical 3D metrology according to the principle of near-field photogrammetry to achieve high temporal and spatial resolution, preliminary experiments to combine the near-field photogrammetry with areal uniaxial velocity measurements using a laser-scanning vibrometer at the shaker. Based on this work for the first time the traceable calibration of multi-axis force and torque sensors for dynamic measurements will be possible. The quantitative determination of an uncertainty of calibration of dynamic six-axis force and torque measurement is a significant progress compared to existing state of technology.
DFG Programme
Research Grants