GRK 336:
Molecular Endocrinology - Molecular Metabolism
Subject Area
Basic Research in Biology and Medicine
from 1997 to 2006
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 271937
The Kolleg brings together 12 groups actively researching at the molecular levels on various aspects of organ and tissue functions. Special topics are: Metabolic diseases, endocrine disorders. Special attention is being given to the hormonal and metabolic regulation of gene expression at the promoter level, and at the level of the RNA-translation, and protein traficking secretion. The research training group offers 12 Stipendia for junior researchers (Diploma in Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biology or Medicine). In addition, there are Stipendia for young medical doctors (with Physikum).The research training group offers a specialist training program for the young scientist. This includes: colloquia on molecular methods,workshops and courses on topics in all fields of endocrinology and metabolism, colloquia on clinical endocrinology with special emphasis on cellular and molecular aspects, weekly seminars in endocrinology and signal transduction, colloquia with invited guests from in- and outside Hamburg, courses in molecular biology and bench practica,financial support to attend national and international meetings for presenting research results, financial support to invite other scientists as guests to the laboratories in Hamburg and for visits by members to Centers of Excellence outside of Hamburg, excellent lab-networking within and between the participating research groups.
DFG Programme
Research Training Groups