GRK 298:
Structure-Dynamics Relations in Microstructure Systems
Subject Area
Physical Chemistry
from 1997 to 2006
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 271685
Academics from various disciplines (chemistry, physics, crystallography, chemical engineering) work together to provide a creative research environment for the graduate students. The research activities can be divided into those involving hard matter (the physicochemical behavior of molecules in microstructured materials which are dominated by surface and confinement (e.g., porous solids) and soft matter (colloids, polymers, etc.) as well as studies on the structure and dynamics of biomolecular aggregates (e.g., model biomembranes). From these investigations we expect an insight into the correlation between the structure and molecular dynamics of these systems, into local transport mechanisms, characteristic interactions of probe molecules with surfaces and into the correlation between functionality, structure and dynamics. The topics around such nano- and mesostructured materials form today an important field of work in the fringe area between chemistry, physics, biology and technology. A variety of methods based on different length and time (from ps to s) scales for the investigation of the systems are used. The methods include both theoretical approaches and a variety of spectroscopy techniques. In addition to offering interesting research opportunities, the research training group also intends to provide the Ph.D. students with a comprehensive education program that covers many important aspects in the research fields of interest. The main part of this education program is provided in form of lecture series and seminars.
DFG Programme
Research Training Groups