Project Details
GRK 284: Collective Phenomena in Solids
Subject Area
Condensed Matter Physics
from 1997 to 2005
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 271599
The four main areas of research of this research training group cover abroad range of solid state physics in experiment and theory:optical properties of semiconductors, transport in solids, magnetic properties and phase transitions. The graduates are led to modern techniques for nanostructuring such as electron-beam lithographyor scanning probe microscopy. Methods of (ultrafast) opticalspectroscopy applied to semiconductors guide the students to materials which are of technical relevance.Many of the subjects which are studied by experimental groups arecooperations with theoretical groups within this postgraduatecourse. Examples are single electron tunneling, universalconductance fluctuations, magnetic properties of heavy-fermionsystems and plasmon-phonon coupling in doped semiconductors.
DFG Programme
Research Training Groups
Applicant Institution
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Campus Süd (aufgelöst)
Campus Süd (aufgelöst)
Professor Dr. Martin Wegener
Participating Researchers
Professor Dr. Ralph von Baltz; Professor Dr. Elmar Dormann; Professorin Dr. Dagmar Gerthsen; Professor Dr. Heinz Kalt; Professor Dr. Claus Klingshirn; Professor Dr. Hilbert von Löhneysen; Professor Dr. Andreas Schilling; Professor Dr. Thomas Schimmel; Professor Dr. Gerd Schön (†); Professor Dr. Georg Weiß; Professor Dr. Peter Wölfle