FOR 2359:  Charmonium Physics Experiments with the BES III Detector

Subject Area Physics
Term from 2015 to 2022
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 271236083

Project Description

The aims of the proposed research work is all within the list of hot topics in hadron physics as identified in the NuPECC long-range plan 2010 for hadron physics in Europe. Our research proposal focuses mainly on hadron spectroscopy, which is listed among the main goals of the NuPECC long-range plan. While the long-range plan looks at accelerators based in Europe that partly still have to be built or upgraded, research along the lines of this proposal could be started immediately. Furthermore, the scope of the proposed research project complements the SFB 1044 (¿Die Niederenergiegrenze des Standardmodells - Von Quarks und Gluonen zu Hadronen und Kernen¿) of which the BESIII experiment is an essential part.
DFG Programme Research Units


Spokesperson Professor Dr. Ulrich Wiedner