GRK 235:
Physics of Nanostructured Solids
Subject Area
Condensed Matter Physics
from 1996 to 2005
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 271055
It is the aim of this research training group to improve graduate education and to support doctoral and research projects with focus on nanostructure physics.The scholarship holders of this doctoral program work in a very actual research field. By means of modern techniques it is now possible to structure solids on a nanometer scale. This is of great interest because on the one hand quantum effects in such solid state systems modify the macroscopic physical properties and on the other they can be tailored by design and fabrication. In this doctoral program the preparation, characterization, experimental and theoretical investigation as well as the development of novel instrumentation are combined. Different material classes like semiconductors, superconductors and magnetic materials are studied. The scholarship holders thus study phenomena of a broad spectrum of solid state physics. The projects of the postgraduate students are strongly correlated. They are pursued in direct cooperation between the participating research groups, combining, e.g., the experience of one group in the fabrication of nanostructures with measurement techniques available in a second and the theoretic methods of a third group. The intense exchange is coordinated and further increased by an specific program of lectures, seminars and workshops.
DFG Programme
Research Training Groups